Saturday Night Contest - Resolutions For 2017

Dec 10, 2016
December 2016 is when I got exposed to the magic world. A friend of mine performed a trick for me and BLEW ME AWAY. I thought of it as nothing less as a miracle, I told him to teach me the trick and he did not. He said the true magic is in the mystery and if I was dedicated enough, I would find all the answers. I still don't know how he did it. I think that mystery is the fuel inside of me to advance in the art.

In 2017, I hope to learn more about magic and not just how effects are done and but the history behind it.

Another resolunion is to be an active member on this forum.
For sure.

Happy new years, y'all !


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
2016 was a year devoted to things other than magic - my job, my family, scouting and renovations around the house (which had my magic room being used as a staging area and the doors to my magic closets hermetically sealed with plastic and tape. A lot of magic books sat on the shelf unread, decks unopened and a lot of props sat lonely awaiting some attention. The one significant link to magic that remained was these forums.

For next year, my resolutions are:

1. Master the performance pieces that I've been working on for the Linking Rings, Cups & Balls, Miser's Dream, Accomodating Tea Pot and Needle Swallowing.

2. Master So Sato's Bushfire Triumph, Bannon's Six.Impossible.Things, Houchin's Invisible Palm, Dani DaOrtiz's Marked Deck Routine from the first EMC and Gustaferro's Truth in Advertising.

3. Study various classic effects and their variations: Oil and Water (including Tamariz and Lavand), Travellers (including Jennings), Wildcard (including Frank Garcia) and Out of This World.

4. Read at least 13 books (including Giobbi's Secret Agenda).


Elite Member
Nov 17, 2016
2016 was the year that I stepped into magic. I started participating in all SNCs I could and studying books like Vernon's and Erdnase's to have the knowledge about the base of magic. I became fascinated by this world and loved to take part in this community. I have a lot of problems buying supplies because I live in Brazil, there are few overpriced magic shops, and the shopping rates are gigantic for importation.

In this year I want to evolve my personal creations enough to publish them in the internet. I'm a very creative person and I developed some effects based mostly on Vernon's work, but I'm still a begginner in magic and I think I should learn more and step up my creations before publishing them. I still have a lot of time tough, I'm just 16.

Happy new year everyone and thanks T11


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2012
One of the biggest accomplishments this year was managing to go to Cardistry-Con!
Never did I ever think I'd get the chance to, and it was the first time being surrounded by so many like-minded people since I'm the only card-enthusiast I know.

And in terms of magic, I still practice sleights and difficult moves just as a passing hobby, but recently at Christmas I performed some very simple magic for my first child audience, and that reaction is priceless!

Moving forward, I just want to simply improve myself, my magic and cardistry.
My goal is to have 3 go to tricks that aren't the biddle trick, ACR or 2 card monte which have been my go to for too many years now.
Main sleight I want to master is the roadrunner cull, which opens the door to so many other tricks.

Happy New Year all!

Casual Distraction

Elite Member
Sep 13, 2014
2016 accomplishments were few but important. The main highlight was helping a grade 5 student fine tune his magic act for a school talent show. Mind you I told the kid I wasn't actively performing and made excuses (mostly due to fear of not living up to expectations perhaps). Yet the kid was persistent and I caved. Which was the best decision as it relit some of the dying flame I had with magic. His passion for practicing and learning rubbed off on me.

For 2017 I'm going to do more to give back and help out kids who are interested in magic. I think magic has a lot to compete with these days as far as hobbies/interests go. I'd hate to see magic become a dying art as a result. I'm making it a goal not to turn away anyone who wants help with learning magic.

Lastly, I'm planning to work on my mentalism in 2017. I'm getting older, my military injuries are becoming more of a burden which makes sleight of hand and other tricks more difficult. I don't want to give up on one of hobbies so better to adapt and find solutions to the challenges I now have than quit all together.
Mar 11, 2015
I've been a big admirer of magic and a card collector for a while now, but never had the time to really dive into it due to many other obligations and activities. Ironically, one of them involved a trip to Vegas where I got a chance to see Penn & Teller live. I wasn't disappointed. Then, albeit knowing about theory11 for a while, only yesterday I discovered this forum (everybody: "Shame! Shame! Shame!").
For 2017, I do hope I will finally manage to set aside enough time to study the Royal Road and other books, to start practising, and to get more comfortable with the cards.
And lastly - Happy New Year!
Jan 13, 2016
2016 - Finally I've performed something for people that I don't know personally :D I've really expanded my areas in magic (only one thing that I still need are Cups&Balls...). Finally - I've practiced some things (normally I'm sooooo lazy), so I've learnt something.
2017 - Well, it should be big year for me. I'm planning to do 2 (at least 1) stage show- 1 on classic illusions, 1 on mentalism. It's a big deal for me. And I'm planning to go out on streets and performing some magic.
Dec 9, 2016
2016 has been an odd year for me in magic. When I was younger I was always so interested and intrigued by magic tricks, and I was always wanting to learn more. Gradually, my interest decreased, until I was no longer preforming tricks for my friends and family because of my busy life. This year, I made room for magic, and it had made life so much more fun! A family member actually referred me to Theory11 this year and gifted me a deck of Red Tycoons, (which is by far the fanciest deck I've ever held) and I never realized what I was missing! I'm glad to have joined the community and I have so much to learn. My New Years resolution for magic is to learn all that I can from "The royal road to card magic". I have found it to be enlightening so far, and I can't wait to grow my magic skills in this community. Happy new year, Theory11 and community.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2015
I feel I've matured a lot as a performer. I remember I used to be terrified of doing a mistake, and about a month ago I made one and not only did it not bother me as much and was able to improvise a way out, but it also gave me an idea for a trick I'm currently working on. Also I feel I've finally found my voice as a magician. I now know what I want my magic to be about and figuring out how to express it has taught me a lot.
I don't have any specific goals or resolutions for 2017. I've never liked to. I'll just keep working on improving my technique, I'll try to learn from every performance and I'll continue looking for ways to express myself as an artist.
Oct 23, 2016
2016 is the year I got into magic. Sadly, more than an achievement I feel major regret that in the couple of months I've been into this, I have never performed to anyone other than close family.

My solemn resolution is that in 2017 I will overcome my shyness and introvertness and perform to friends and strangers. I also promise to dedicate at least an hour everyday perfecting and learning tricks.

Happy new year, Theory11. Bless you always !
Jun 26, 2016
2016. Best year of my life. Not just because I found out about theory11 and magic but other personal reasons too. This year I went and performed to strangers and the feeling was beyond amazing. I never felt like I could be the life of the party, thank you Theory11 for helping me gain the confidence and teaching me miracles. Thank you Jonathan Bayme, Andrei Jikh, Blake Vogt, Casey Rudd, Christen Gerhart, Lyle Borders and all members of Theory11!

My resolution for 2017 is to be an Elite Member :D:)

I wish to read at least one magic book per month.

God bless all ! Happy New Year !
Mar 2, 2016
United States
2016 was quite a challenge, but in many ways a first for some endeavors. The biggest one of all was magic and cardistry in general. Coming from a family of magicians (my grandfather was a magician for fifty years, and at the height of his career he performed for the Treasurer of the United States, Azie Taylor Morton, in the 1970s) I was always surrounded by this incredible art, but never fully grasped it, and it never grasped me. All of this until February of 2016, when I got a deck of Bicycle Premier cards as a gift. I loved every part of them, and that interest took off when I started doing more research on card magic. You should have seen the smile on my face when I was finally able to properly "faro" a deck of cards, or could do a non clumped-up fan. The basic things, while not interesting to the professionals here on this forum and in the field, is what I truly enjoyed. The next chapter in my playing card adventure took off when my best friend ordered a cool looking deck, which I eventually learned to be the Theory11 Unions. After seeing the upgrade those were from Bicycles, I bought my first custom deck of cards- Theory11 Medallions, and to this day, my favorite deck in my collection. I even took the time to write to T11 telling them my thoughts about the Medallions, and I was happily surprised to hear back from Ms. Gerhart from T11.

I unfortunately took all the things I could do for granted when I broke my thumb (on my birthday too, insult to injury!) in a freak accident, falling through a concrete stoop down ten feet. I couldn't fan a deck of cards, I couldn't properly shuffle, and basically sat on the sidelines doing one handed cardistry for three months. Thankfully my thumb properly healed and I am able to continue this incredible journey in magic and cardistry, however the nasty scar I have is a constant reminder to never take anything for granted- magic related, or not.

So my 2017 resolutions are to not only be true to myself about what I can and cannot accomplish, but to also appreciate what I've done in this hobby and look positively into the future. This includes learning more intermediate level tricks, foundations in card magic, and how to do some incredible, but relatively simple, flourishes.

A big thanks to the T11 team for what they do.
Dec 6, 2015
This year was fantastic for me in terms of magic! Since I'm still in school, the summer gave me some much needed time off that I used to read up on as much theory as I could and finish a few lectures that I've had sitting on my drive. I felt I became a little more grounded in my style of performing and my personality as a performer, performing twice at a summer and end of year party for my region, and in front of a gathering of the event planners at my school. These were very valuable in helping my single out my own favourite effects.
The staff of our IBM ring was also shuffled around so that there's now a much younger president, vice president, etc., helping me feel a lot more included. We had the pleasure of inviting several lecturers including Shane Cobalt and David Ben, learning about the fine details of card shorting and rhythmic flow within routines respectively, and I attended our annual Christmas Banquet for the first time, which was definitely a great time.
On top of that, I'd say I gained valuable insight into myself as a person as well. At OSLC, a provincial leadership conference, I listened to dozens of lecturers who helped me identify my passion and sense of drive I'll need to get to where I want to be. One of the magician lecturers, Scott Hammel, also showed me it's entirely possible to use magic right alongside other passions, such as public speaking.

Over the next year I'll be starting university, so I hope to start strong in a program I love. I'd also like to further establish and secure a place for magic in my life, whether it be at restaurants, birthday parties, or on stage. In general, I hope to use the social skills and valuable lessons I've learned through magic to continue to meet new people and have a great time with all of them.


Elite Member
Dec 12, 2008
Last year was a tumultuous year for many reasons, magic is what I use as an escape and a time to be creative. I finally came up with an effect I want to put out for public consumption. This year will be my first attempt at a creative venture into the world of self-publication. The effect is ready now, I am ready , don't want another year to pass without putting my creation out.


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Alright guys, it was great to read everyone's goals and aspirations for the new year. 2017 is going to be a great year, and we can't wait to share what we have in store with every single one of you. But until then, time to announce tonight's winner!

Selected at random, this week's winner is RealityOne! Congrats! Please contact our support team with your details to claim your prize!

We look forward to holding future contests for this new year, and we can't wait to share all the details. But until then, cerca trova, and Happy New Year!
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