Saturday Night Contest - Resolutions for 2022!


Elite Member
Jul 22, 2016
The year 2021 didn't start the best, however it did improve. I purchased my first home and with that I got my own magic room for practicing and recording.
I began to take what I was doing a lot more seriously. Improvement of my skills began to flourish do to this.
I performed a few effects for family and friends, it turned out really well.
Later in the year, I began work on my own effects. I've enlisted the help of a famous magic creator (whom will go nameless for now) to guide and coach me through the process. I'm really hoping my first vision will come to life late 2022.
I've also begun work on my very own deck of cards. The help from a few deck creators has been truly amazing. This is such a helpful community. A lot different than the Rap community I tried to enter in the 90s lol... think NWA/Alabama 🤔..
I'm really excited for 2022. The family and I will be going on our first cruise. A Disney cruise of all things.
I'll be recording some magic on the ship, my first ever "Street magic" videos. I'm just so excited for what is in store and I have all of you to thank.
Good luck and stay safe everyone!!!
May 8, 2021
Hi everyone :)

For me, the year 2021 was the descovering year of the whole world of cardistry and card collecting. I bought my first deck from Theory11, I found all the brands that produce exclusive cards and I was thrilled by all the amazing designs… I have collected over 20 decks during the year and started learning some cardistry basics.

I am a student of graphic design, so all the cards are huge inspiration for my passion. My plan for 2022 is to design (and maybe release) my very own deck.
This past year, I began to finally explore deeper into my magic library. Many of the books I have were on sale (where I bought in hoards!) so I have lots that I haven't even started on yet. Some were books I bought years ago when I was just starting out (2005) after reading online recommendations (Strong Magic, Drawing Room Deceptions). Back then, I honestly had a tough time comprehending the materials. I was surprised that after all this time, I was able to pick them up and go through them with ease (of understanding....the material is still tough!) to which I felt very satisfied.

I moved recently to a new state for my work and before the holidays, joined the local IBM ring. I was pretty active in my previous one until the pandemic shut it down. Two of the members are magic shop owners in the area and I look forward to gaining my expertise from them. My first event with this ring was their end of the year celebration, where each attendee was allowed to perform on stage (it was at a cabaret club) should they wish. I submitted my name, and lo and behold, I was selected to perform last. I hadn't perform in a long time due to the pandemic, but prepared Shigeru Sugawara's "Ring and Ribbon" to a round of applause. I felt very good walking off that stage, especially ending the night for everyone.

In 2022, I plan to continue my studies in magic by going through all of the material I've accumulated over the years. I've learned many "tricks and routines," but my main focus will be presentation so that I can evoke a higher sense of wonder in my future audiences.

Cheers everyone!
Dec 7, 2021
My 2021 hadn't been much. Practiced all the old sleights and learned a few new things, but due to the pandemic, couldn't do much shows. But I tried to make most of the limited number of shows I could do. As always, constantly trying to get my hands on both old and new material always. My resolution for 2022 would be to try to do more shows and spread the art of magic among more people and make more people happy. I also have scheduled an Asia Tour from February, but it depends on the Omicron variant now. Hopefully, I can do the tour, and experience the power of magic with my audience again as it was before the pandemic. A very happy new year!!
Dec 13, 2021
2021 had been a roller coaster after the pandemic situation came under control. Finally got back on stage after a long time. No matter what, virtual shows can never top stage performances. Besides that, I watched a lot of shows of other magicians this year. Most of them were virtual, but some live stage as well. Specially, Derren Brown, his performance is legendary. For 2022, I want to do more shows, and especially focus on my close up shows. There is still a lot to learn and I want to keep on learning and studying magic and living my life and my magic to the fullest.

Gabriel Z.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
To be honest I don't think I have accomplished much. I have been practicing and taking lessons. However, I don't feel like I am doing enough to progress in the craft. Or it could be that I am doing so much that other aspects of my life are suffering. My mental health is still an issue, seeing that I had a full blown seizure December. So for goals I have to sit down and really think things through about my weight management, and overall being more productive. It seems to me that my behavior is too repetitive for my own good. I also want to become more independent and hopefully ease my way back into school. This has been the best spot to be as far as magic and making friends is concerned. So, hopefully next year it will be same song different dance. 2022 here we go!!
Sep 1, 2007
For me, I ended 2021 by finally deciding to release my magic to the community. I started a Kickstarter in November to launch an online magic magazine (The Hermit Magazine), and I just sent my first issue on January 1st of this year. 2021 also saw me start illustrating for other magicians, starting with the upcoming Harrison Greenbaum book slated for a 2022 release.

In 2022, I resolve to:
- publish the best magic that I possibly can in The Hermit all year, with a quality-first mindset.
- find even more contributors for the magazine.
- continue studying graphic design and layout design.
- continue illustrating books for magicians (spoilers!)

Aug 21, 2021
Happy 2022 to everyone ❤️

2021 was the best year for me. I've done a lot of magic shows, I won a lot of contests (specially in theory 11) and the best think is that I was happy and I enjoyed the year. I made a lot of new friends and shared magic to a lot of new people. They loved it. Also @Nikolay Karagyozov showed me the amazing THEORY 11 forums. I am really thankful!

My goal for 2022 is to create a truly special and unique magic routine. I want to put all of my energy into it and make it look like real magic. Also I want to make my card collection bigger (and I am so glad to take my theory11 cards from the post when they come).

I wish a peaceful year to everyone in the forums and the theory11 support team ❤️.
Aug 22, 2021
Hello happy new year 🥳 firs this year is I start my cards collection. Second I have many manifestations , I try to devolp my English, I win one Saturday night contest. For 2022 I try to devolve English, win Saturday night contest, more manifestations, new magic and knowledge, and skills.And more thing I don’t know. :)
Sep 30, 2021
2021 has been a crazy year for me one of the biggest highlights Is that this is the year they started magic I started in April and since then have been able to perform on stage for over 1000 people and now I have a YouTube channel where I perform daily. I would like to thank theory11 for being one of the reasons I started magic this is the best community ever and I wouldn’t want my magic journey to be with anybody else!


Elite Member
Nov 26, 2017
The most accomplished thing I did this year is definitely expanding my card collection, being able to collect more limited edition decks than ever before. From finally pulling the triggers to going from getting real lucky like finding the Gold Artisan decks at Target on two different occasions. I've always enjoyed collecting things and ever since I started collecting cards seriously back in 2016, I just couldn't stop. Card collecting and cardistry have definitely helped me with the pandemic for the past two years, they helped me ease my mind on a lot of things. Just losing time in researching, shopping, and even discussing playing cards with other collectors just brought me so much joy. Thus, I really treasure the collection that I've built so far, every deck that I bought this year has a story of its own!

Lastly, thank you T11 for hosting these weekly contests and most importantly, the most anticipated holiday wheel!

Happy new year everyone! Hope 2022 will be our best year yet!


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2009
I managed to put my hands on a few older decks I wanted for a long time, like an English Laundry, or Propaganda (Ohio) deck. A few white whales left on my list, but I have most of the decks I wanted.
I'm planning to make product photos and videos this year.
Mar 13, 2021
2021 has been been full of opportunities as I started getting on the concept of online magic shows!
As i‘m isually not the type of person who makes nee years resolution, I would like to simply keep exploring differenr ways of magic performances. I know it‘s very general but i hope this will make it it feasible for me to stick to it :)
Feb 12, 2018
The last year has been more of an academic journey for me, hence no improvements in my magic or cardistry at all :( Just collected a few decks this year.

My resolutions for 2022 are mainly to learn basic cardistry and also start reading more books. Oh and also do well in college😂

Hope y'all have a great and successful year!


Elite Member
May 18, 2017
Happy new year to you all! This year has been quite quiet magic-wise but I’ve been learning some great coin utility move and I feel it’s quite refreshing after years in card magic. I also improved my classic pass to a point it’s near invisible in my opinion which I’m kinda proud of. I didn’t accomplish much more this year, sorry for the short post :oops:
For the upcoming year I really wish to take more time to record magic videos again. I miss it but I had so much other things to do last year.


Elite Member
Oct 18, 2011
2021 was a slow year for my Cardistry and Magic, because I had lot of different things in my head and to deal with over the past months, but what I can really count as an achievement is that I started to teach my little nephew some card magic stuff and he is really pasionate about it, so I feel that is a great goal to continue with this 2022...


Elite Member
Dec 6, 2018
My resolution this year is kind of at odds with the concept of resolutions in general. As a hobbyist, in the past I think I have set my goals too inflexibly and thus can become frustrated or burnt out by the prospect of not achieving those checkpoints. So this year, I am focusing on just practicing and learning with no endpoint in sight, just rejoicing in whatever progress or whatever moves I end up choosing to development in the moment.
Feb 14, 2021
In the last year, I learned a few tricks and cardistry techniques, and even came up with some new twists on some old tricks, including a card in candy for the holidays and appearing dollar store candycane. I've also managed to increase my card collection by ten decks! In between I focused on my art and came to the realization after tabling, that I want to combine both of my passions for art and magic, so I've gotten started on making homemade deck holders and I want to ring in the new year with some deck designs I've got in the works! My resolution for the next year is to collect ten more decks, work out how to possibly sell and make the card holders, and at least one deck design, backs and faces, and to practice and have 3 routines available at a moment's notice!
I wish you all a magical new year!
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