Saturday Night Contest - Resolutions for 2025!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys, hope everyone is having a great weekend! Posting early as I am about to take off on a flight headed home! As 2024 comes to a close, we were reminded of everything we have done over the past year and where it has gotten us heading into the new year. It's always exciting to begin a new year, so first and foremost, Happy New Year from all of us at theory11!

We want to know - in your own words - what you feel you have accomplished over this last year (2024) in magic, cardistry, or card collecting. Some of you may have performed your first show, others may have come up with a cool idea or concept that found its way into your repertoire, or maybe you just discovered the art or card collecting and want to share how it's impacted your life. The contest tonight is simple - tell us about it.

In addition, we want to know what your resolutions are for this next year - 2025. What are your goals? What would you like to see yourself accomplish in magic, cardistry, or card collecting over the coming year? We want to hear about it!

Because this is a written contest, everyone of you is free to participate. Submissions should be posted as responses to this thread - and all entries must be in by New Years Eve, Tuesday, December 31st at 11:59pm EST for judging. We will review the posts and announce the winner (selected at random) once time is up. Note that submissions can vary in length - but are limited to 500 words, maximum.

The winner takes home 1,000 Elite Member Points, a deck of Gold Artisans, Tavern on the Green: Red Edition, and 3 Decks of your choice (they have to currently be in stock), and 6 spins on the Holiday Wheel.

We look forward to reading through all of your accomplishments, aspirations, thoughts, and goals!


Elite Member
May 14, 2011
Atlanta, GA
This year, I created several original effects that have become staples in my repertoire. In 2025, my goal is to step out and seek more opportunities to perform for real-world audiences, as my experience so far has primarily been with family and friends.
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Amit R.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
This year, I dedicated myself to finding more time for magic, watching it, reading about it and , practicing it. I still have a long way to go but it’s a start. My goal is to perform a series of tricks for my niece in 2025 at a level where I feel comfortable doing it fluently.
Jul 3, 2024
This year, I started magic, cardistry, and card collecting as a whole (I'm new to this), and I've been doing magic for friends and family for about half a year. It's also gotten me a lot more social than I was at the start of the year. My 2025 resolution is to finally perfect some sleights I've been trying to master (riffle fan) and maybe create a few effects myself.
Feb 12, 2018
This year, I didn’t really get the chance to dive into magic and cardistry like I used to. It was never a front-row passion, but it was something I was super interested in and enjoyed spending time on. Somewhere along the way, though, it kind of got pushed to the backseat. Recently, though, the spark came back, and I’ve been feeling that excitement again. Now, I’m ready to put in the time and effort to make it something I actually get good at :)

For 2025, my biggest goal is to stay consistent—not just in magic, but in other parts of life, like the gym or sticking to habits in general. Specifically for magic, I want to confidently perform a full show for anyone—family, friends, whoever—and really make it feel polished. Plus, I’d love to throw in some slick cardistry routines here and there to keep things fresh and fun :)

Here’s to getting back into it and making 2025 a year where I actually follow through!

edit: gotta upgrade that card collection tho hehe 😅😊


Elite Member
Dec 15, 2023
2024 has been the start of a new beginning in card collecting, cardistry magic etc. In card collecting, I’ve expanded my collection significantly, focusing on limited editions, and the art and design of every deck i decided to oursue. Each deck I add to my collection has a story or unique feature, and I’ve come to appreciate the craftsmanship behind the designs. My collection has become a source of inspiration, fueling my creativity both in magic and carpursue.

I ahve also picked up magic 101 and started my journey in magic.
Looking ahead to 2025, my resolutions are clear. I want to continue magic and cardistry, and try to find my own personal style. I plan to explore new techniques, whether in sleight of hand, card manipulation, or developing entire routines from start to finish. I also want to continue togrow my card collection, focusing on adding even rarer, limited-run decks and learning more about the history of card design.

Also for 2025 become an elite member!! I'm very close!!
Dec 6, 2019
I have been able to continue collecting and adding some new decks to my collection. I try to dabble in learning some magic but with my job and kids it’s a bit difficult so hoping 2025 gives me more time for my hobbies.
I was able to see Shin Lim in person someone I have been wanting to see perform.
Exciting for the new year !


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2022
I have been collecting decks this entire year and a few new tricks here and there. I can proudly say my collection has grown substantially with new decks as well as some I already own.
This year I intend to collect more, and have some time to practice tricks and play with the cards I have and create tricks from scratch. Hopefully I'll know to leave time for that 😉


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2017
This year 2024 I began cataloguing my card decks and creating a EDC case of mentalism effects that seem to work as one. For 2025 all I want is to be is doing this again at the end of the year with health intact. Peter in Oz
Dec 11, 2022
Happy New Year to everybody!!

This year I started collecting deck of cards more seriously, theory11 and others. I learnt the world of artists im this hobby, and how much passion give to the cards and tucks they create.

My resolution for 2025 is to learn at least the basic of cardistry. I always have like seeing it, and would love to do at least basic movements. I hope I will have time for that.
May 8, 2021
During 2023, my card collection expanded the most and I also made great strides in cardistry.
This year 2024, my collection expanded by only a few decks and instead of cardistry, I devoted myself to another creative activity – designing my own deck of cards.
And my plans for next year are related to this, I would like to finish this deck. And also get back to cardistry and improve my skills.

Khaleel Olaiky

Elite Member
Aug 31, 2013
This year was tough and chaotic for me, I traveled a lot for so many reasons all of which were very stressful. I lost my Dad to brain cancer which was a terrible thing to go through.

On the magic side, I filmed some videos that I had been thinking about for years but couldn't have the chance to make. I got some really nice decks like the R&M, the Dark Knight, and my first Fontaine.

In 2025 I hope to finally settle in a nice place to expand my creativity with a calmer mind away from all the stress and anxiety.

And I wish you all a very nice next year.
Dec 25, 2024
This year I lost my grandfather and he loved collecting playing cards. When my grandmother was cleaning out his things she found his box of cards and offered it to me. I felt so happy and privileged to be given these cards. Making a display box for his decks left me with room for extras so I started collecting cards now too. Absolutely in love with collecting them I can’t describe the feelings I get when receiving a new deck!! I started volunteering at my local park for an after school program and recently the kids chose to learn cards tricks, which made me happy cause it meant I’d have to learn them as well. It’s going well but I feel bad that not everyone can afford their own decks so some share and I bought 15 decks but unfortunately have 30 kids in the program. Slowly but surely though I will get get everyone a deck of their own. Winning this contest would be a tremendous help.
Dec 25, 2024
This year I lost my grandfather and he loved collecting playing cards. When my grandmother was cleaning out his things she found his box of cards and offered it to me. I felt so happy and privileged to be given these cards. Making a display box for his decks left me with room for extras so I started collecting cards now too. Absolutely in love with collecting them I can’t describe the feelings I get when receiving a new deck!! I started volunteering at my local park for an after school program and recently the kids chose to learn cards tricks, which made me happy cause it meant I’d have to learn them as well. It’s going well but I feel bad that not everyone can afford their own decks so some share and I bought 15 decks but unfortunately have 30 kids in the program. Slowly but surely though I will get get everyone a deck of their own. Winning this contest would be a tremendous help.
PS my resolution for 2025 is to make sure all my kids have decks of their own and we are all gonna have to learn 3 card tricks in 2025 and learn them well enough to teach to another person.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2014
My resolution for 2025 is to continue increasing my card collection and impressing one to many people!


Elite Member
Jul 9, 2011
In 2024 I worked on learning the mnemonica stack so I can work on performing Asi Wind’s A.A.C.A.A.N. I also of course added a few decks to my collection as well!
In 2025 I plan on reading Markobi’s Stairway and learning Joshua Jay’s Particle System! Should be a fun year!


Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
I have been fan of the gentleman wake from the time he used to do card reviews and now hes too into cards business so 2024 was finally the year I got my hands on one of his best decks that sells at $85, the white successor deck. T11 have been doing SNCs for years and their photo contests are the toughest to win. Every contest gets unprecedented entries and winning them is really tough, for years I wanted to win a photo based SNC and 2024 was the year I finally won a photo related SNC where the winner was chosen based on the photo's quality so that was sweet. A couple of days ago I realized I now know enough and good card tricks that I can go with with having to do a setup and one trick follows the other in a flow like a routine of 5 to 10mins. So my resolution for 2025 is to have the guts to finally do this routine in front of family and friends and also win a photo or magic related SNC in 2025


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2011
This year I added a few dozen more decks of cards to my card collection and finally learned the Pandora flourish


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Be better then previous year). And finally try to complete personal deck of card with my cool pictures! Peace and love to each other! Happy NEW YEAR, cardlovers)


Elite Member
Dec 24, 2018
I am resolute to be more open in personal relationships. Maybe even put some effort into performing. Im gonna continue collecting the sparkliest decks I can find. I hope to continue running because I feel better, when I do..
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