Saturday Night Contest: Riddle Me This


Director of Customer Experience
Team member
Oct 25, 2011
Hi all,

I've missed ya! Glad to be back this week!

For this contest, create a riddle or brain teaser that involves either our decks or our tricks. The challenge is to come up with a clever and puzzling riddle that will stump others while still being solvable with some creative thinking.

Submit your “Riddle Me This” entry in writing, photography, or video form, along with the solution.

We'll choose a winner at random and they'll take home 1,000 Elite Points + 1 of our brand new Wicked Playing Cards + 3 decks of your choosing from our store.

I'm REALLY looking forward to trying to solve these and seeing everyone's creativity!


Elite Member
Jan 13, 2017
Riddle me this:

I hold a story, fierce and old,
Of battles fought and courage bold.
With feathers spread, I watch the skies,
Where dreams of freedom dared to rise.

In crafted lines, a pact is sealed,
A nation's hopes and truth revealed.
With stripes of red, white, blue,
I stand for many, yet I’m held by few.

Union playing cards :)


Elite Member
Dec 30, 2023
Riddle me this:

This trick pairs well with a themed deck about a beloved children’s book and movie.

Who can take a sunrise
Sprinkle it with dew?


Candy man and the wonka deck.
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.


Elite Member
Dec 3, 2018
With skillful hands and hearts full zest,
They carve, they paint, they weave the best. In every craft, their spirit sings,
Creating wonders from simple things.
Not mass-produced, but lovingly made,
Their touch in each design displayed.
Who are these masters of their arts and plans?
The answer lies in true ???
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2014
Riddle Me This:

Forged with skill, in black and white,
With golden ink, I gleam in light.
A craftsman’s touch in every line,
Both simple and grand, a true design.
A seal of approval from the king of old,
I hold a secret, timeless, bold.
Elegance and artistry are my claim,
Which deck am I that shares this name?

Answer: Artisans Playing Cards
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.
Dec 7, 2021
A deck fit for royalty, with gold all around,
In navy blue robes, their beauty renowned.
In heist-filled movies, they stole the show,
Timeless and elegant, with a regal glow.
What cards are these? The finest we know!

Answer - the Monarch playing cards
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.
Dec 15, 2023
In gold and green, I hold the key,
A tribute to magic, art, and mystery.
Crafted with care, I charm and deceive,
From stage to screen, I help you believe.
In all 52, my art takes flight,
A master of illusion, I mesmerize the night.
From stage to screen, I weave the dream.
In all the tricks, I craft the unseen
With a two-time winner's touch, I’m designed,
What am I, where secrets you’ll find?

Answer : Derren Brown playing Cards
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.


Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
"I'm crafted with elegance, a deck of delight,
By Theory11's skilled hands, shining so bright.
A white variant born, with beauty to share,
David Copperfield's words echo, beyond compare.

What am I?"

White artisans deck
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.
Dec 11, 2022
In a land where the ocean meets the sand,
A treasure awaits, both glittery and grand.
But beware of the path where the shadows blend,
For the map leads you here, to your journey's end.

Seek the place where X marks the spot,
But it’s not just a mark—it’s a clickable dot!
With a swish of your mouse and a brave, hearty click,
The treasure will reveal itself thick and slick.

Piracy deck. You can click on the end point after slick, its a link to the Piracy deck
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.
May 8, 2021

I bear no crown, yet royalty I wear,
With intricate designs beyond compare.
I travel in pockets, but I’m no mere toy,
I’m crafted with care to bring endless joy.

Gold and navy dance on my skin,
Inside, four houses wait to begin.
Graceful as wings in a delicate flight,
I flutter through hands, both strong and light.

Monarch Playing Cards
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2022
This wonderful set has it all:
A creature, lion-like, made of gold;
An idiom with not much to be told;
A bird's nail, one whose name is on a Chess board;
And the act of creeping, like a hiss sounding similar to a word.
As time went on, an extra installment has come along;
And these were put in a special case long foretold.

The answer:
The Harry Potter deck set and the matching Box Set.
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.
Oct 17, 2021
Riddle me this:

Under the appearances of an old relic
Lies an object that should not be magnetic
Underneath it's rather classified aspect
Rests a box that's top secret
It's contents could be defined as quite peculiar
While being borderline horror
Of it's three elements, one's overturned
Two red, one blue, all of them adorned.

Stranger Things Boxset
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.
Sep 3, 2022
The tomes of pow’r illuminate
Amidst the schemes planned and unplanned
The kings hold secrets, weapons great,
Conspiracy doth understand
That black box gold’s hunger doth sate
Wherein lies greater __________

White text below:
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.
Oct 20, 2024
In the land where elegance and artistry blend,
From South Africa, these cards ascend.
Stamped in gold on paper so black,
With Simon’s design, there’s nothing they lack.
A red seal guards the date and time,
A treasure of style, sophistication, and rhyme.
What am I?

Artisan Playing Cards

Gabriel Z.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
The repetitive cycle of season,
My mental health is the reason,
Frustration, Flustration, Must station,
Settle this riddle what makes me madder,
Continually refining my __ ___ ______
White text below:
Up The Ladder
Mar 26, 2024
I hold the secrets of a spy,
With faces bold and suits that lie.
From diamonds to hearts, I play my part,
In a high-stakes game, I steal your heart.
What am I?

Answer: James Bond Playing Cards


Director of Customer Experience
Team member
Oct 25, 2011
Thank you all for these absolutely awesome riddles! I really enjoyed thinking through them.

This week's random winner is Amit R. Please contact our support team to claim your prize!
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