Saturday Night Contest - Roundtable Discussion with Jesse Feinberg


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
It's been over a month since our last roundtable discussion, so we thought it was about time to refresh the archive with a new addition. Tonight, we are privileged to host a special theory11 roundtable discussion with one of magic's most prolific rising stars, Jesse Feinberg. Jesse specializes in the style of magic that draws crowds and gets reactions - quick, visual effects that you can perform at a moment's notice using common items. Tonight you have your opportunity to ask him anything.

We're asking for YOUR questions - any question - relating to Jesse's creative process, performing experience, the Spello Change, or any other topic you would like us to discuss. There is a limit of three questions per participant, so make them count! All questions must be posted as a response to this thread no later than 10:00pm EST. Jesse will join us thereafter to record the podcast, which will be posted here at 11:00pm EST on the dot.

This is a rare, valuable opportunity to obtain knowledge, advice, and performance tips from a creative professional. We look forward to a thought provoking discussion - and plenty of questions to answer! ;) One random member who submits a question asked in the podcast will take home the Spello Change - or any other 1-on-1 you wish - on the house.

UPDATE + Podcast has been posted! Listen to it now here.


Here is my question!

Jesse what was the first magic trick that you designed and created yourself and did that reflect the magic you do today?
Sep 1, 2007
what are your influences?

whats the worst you've ever been fooled?

how do you go about creating a trick? does it just come to you or do you have a set goal?
Sep 7, 2008
Do you think magic with ordinary objects (pens) is more powerful than magic with cards or coins?

How do you create original concepts? Where do these ideas come from? (Changing a cigarette to a pen or making a pen grow 3X)

What was your first creation?
May 2, 2010
New York, New York
1) What are some of the things you try to accomplish with each performance/practice??

2) Who influenced you to perform the style of magic you do?

this last one is just cause im curious.

3) What profession would you have gone into if magic didnt work out for you??

Mar 6, 2010
PaulTheillusionist Questions for Jessie Feinberg

How has magic changed your perception to those who influence you in your daily life?

Do you deeply prefer to watch magic or perform magic?

What are the major benefits towards magic that help you be a better person?

Jun 12, 2010
1) What do you do if you mess up a routine?

2) What do you do before performing to get rid of the nervousness

3)Close-up or Stage? Other? Pls List. =)

Aug 2, 2008
1. After each performance, how do you analyze the good and bad parts?

2. What would be the best book or DVD that you would recommend to anyone, no matter what skill level?

3. I am a high school teacher. Are there any effects that you would suggest I perform for my students that you think would be perfect for a high school, teenager setting?
Oct 29, 2009
Just around
What is your favorite style of magic, and why?

Are you ever going to come out with another DVD or book on pen magic in general (ungimmicked and gimmicked)?

What do try to leave your audience with after your performances (thought wise)?
Apr 24, 2010
Do you start with an effect then try to figure out how it would be possible, or do you start with a method for an effect and work on what would make the effect unique?

Which would you rate as most important when starting out in magic, presentation, originality or practice?

Do you really need to brainstorm to think of an effect or do they just come to you?
Dec 1, 2009
What first influenced you to get into magic?

How do you go about creating effects?

And I guess, as my last question, what inspired you to shove a pen in your arm?
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