Saturday Night Contest - Show Your Style!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys! Hope everyone is having a great weekend. It's been a while since we have done one of these types of contests. We all know that each person has a different style. No two magicians or cardists are the same. So, with that said, we think it would be fun to see how each of you interpret a special task. What is it? Let's get right into this week's challenge.

Your challenge this week is to make a magic and/or cardistry compilation video in 60 seconds or less. You can do whatever you'd like in your video (ie. cardistry, magic,): the sky is the limit! Only one video per member is allowed.

If you don't have a fancy camera, use what you do have. Certainly use the best equipment that you have available, but a great video on a poor camera will win over a poor video on a great camera. Remember to light well or go outside and find a cool environment. Creativity counts in all aspects, technique and production! Showcase your style. Create the right vibe for whatever you are showing to the world.

Post your video on YouTube, Instagram, or Vimeo, and post the link to your video in response to THIS forum thread for your chance to win. Deadline is tomorrow, Sunday, April 11th at 11:00pm EST. After time is up, our panel of judges will go through all submissions and decide on a winner based on which video has the most impact and does the best job at representing your personal style.

What can you win? 1,000 Elite Member Points , and a VARIETY BOX with 12 decks of your choice that we currently have in stock, which can include the newest Avengers release!

We look forward to seeing all of your videos. Start brainstorming and filming!


Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
Need a clarification could this compilation video contain an old footage? or everything the video has, has to be shot after posting of this contest


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2012
Need a clarification could this compilation video contain an old footage? or everything the video has, has to be shot after posting of this contest

Almost always it’s new footage only, created specifically for the contests. I think that’s what makes it an even playing field for anyone entering that it’s created in the 24hours and not remixing existing clips? I dunno, though, maybe this one is different @Casey Rudd


Elite Member
Oct 29, 2018
Hey there everyone,
Here is my entry for this SNC, my style is pretty much based on the art of bizarre magic, it first appeared on stage in the late 60s with Charles Cameron and Tony "Doc" Shiels.Bizzare magic is a term that includes Wizard-style magic, Simulated Black Magic or Ritual Magic, Mediums or Spiritualists, Grotesque Magic, and Freak Show Magic. The purpose is to make audiences wonder. A great deal of emphasis is placed on building up "atmosphere" and on story-telling. Bizarre magic can be funny, comical, and downright slapstick. It can also be emotionally touching and philosophically provoking. A key feature is that it must touch the audience on a deep emotional level.
Hope you enjoy my entry:

Mar 9, 2021
I made mine with only new footage
I like to focus on presentation rather than method, so I did some very basic sleight of hand and mentalism
I like to do tricks that don't rely on gimmicks or using a lot of arithmetic in a trick, because the "best" tricks are more on performance than method

Good luck everybody!

Nov 13, 2019
Gonna use the same music and same style of tricks and editing as last time I enter this contest as I'm hoping it stands out from the crowd. Hopefully with better editing and somewhat better tricks (been a struggle to think of little tricks that would work and be understood without patter, now I've finished I could think of millions of better tricks I could of done; coin matrix etc.):

Two things:
1. Epilepsy warning, as I remember last time someone had epilepsy and I really threw in the flashing and random colors this time.
2. Youtube says its 1.01 however I assure you my video editing software said it was 60 seconds.

Good luck all!


Elite Member
Apr 11, 2021
I really put an emphasis on the theme of "style" in my submission. I showed elements of my unique fashion style, my "move monkey" magic style, and and overall "vintage" style for my video production. I had a lot of fun combining my magic experience with my filmmaking experience on this one. I hope you enjoy! :)



Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
I love typography and filmmaking and cardistry. What does that look like combined? Something like this;

Be sure to watach with sound :)

Congrats! We've chosen your entry as the winner of this week's contest! We felt this video captured the criteria the best overall. A well deserved win! Please contact our support team to claim your prize!

We'd like to extend a few honorable mentions to Stratego and Vanille for their efforts - well done!

See you all on Saturday for a new contest!
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