Saturday Night Contest - Spin to Win!

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Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Alright guys, time for the results!

This was a tough one to judge. We enjoyed looking through every single entry this week, and we thank you for giving it a shot! The challenge was not easy, but it was a well-fought battle. With that said, onto the winner.

The criteria for this week was the most creative use of a spin in your flourish. Whether it be simple, or complex - if your spin was creative and it flowed with the flourish, your chances of winning were very high. With that said, we have decided that the participant who had the most creative use of a spin was HectorGarcia! The flourish speaks for itself. Congrats! Please send a message to our Support Team and they will hook you up with your prize!

To everyone else, we really enjoyed your entries. Thanks for participating this week! :)
Dec 7, 2013
Congratulations , that was good , the small move was smooth and nice aerial spin , I was trying to do the same as you Garcia , but I was thinking that was absolutely not a good idea . Anyway , Happy New year ànd I will do something good next contest haha :)
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