Saturday Night Contest - Super Bowl 50

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
You're suspiciously good at these contests Brett, and i think i know why. After Days! (not really days just like 5 minutes) Days! of trying to figure out how you've won two of these i've come to the conclusion that you can really see the future... Casey Rudd you now need to ban this future foreseeing man before he cheats us honest folk out of gold monarchs!

Casey Rudd is at a basketball game. Your petty cries of unfair advantage fall on deaf ears.
Plus, I lived in Vegas for 12 years. Competitive guessing is what we do there...or did. I'm in Texa$ now.

I am at an unfair advantage because I know nothing about football except that people watching the game will scream at the referee and players through the tv as if they could hear them.

I think it would be hilarious if I could win another random SNC
Dec 30, 2014
I won the similar contest of the college basketball game so hopefully my lucks on guessing correct numbers :) Although I do not have a clue how american football is scored, I'll still try :)

Winners: Broncos
Score: 34 - 21

winners: Panthers
Score: 34 - 17
Dec 21, 2015
I won't enter the SNC this week because I'm always that one guy that's like, "Yeah, a slam dunk for the A's!" while watching a football game.

You can just put out a random guess. I'll help you out..

The are multiple ways to score in football:

  • A touchdown [ 6 points ]
  • Extra points/2 point conversion [ 1 or 2 point ], after a touchdown they can choose to kick the football inside the goalpost.
  • Field goal [ 3 points ], again kicking the football through the goalpost...only much further away, I think.
  • And lastly; A safety [ 2 points ], I don'y really understand this one.. I believe it's something like if Team A has the football and it's ONLY in one player's possession and it somehow gets behind the goal-line...and then Team B gets a safety. But then again, I don't really know. Basketball and Martial Arts are more of my kind if sports. Not that I don't like football.
Given this information, 6 points for a touchdown...with a high chance I'd say around 80%? ;that they will the extra points and a low chance they will go for the 2 point one ( unless they need it ) maybe 30%? Also adding extra points of possible safeties or field goals.. You'd need to go for multiples of 7, with added points.

Given that on average this season the Panthers have 3.4 touchdowns per game and the Broncos has 2 per game. You SHOULD have the score at LEAST 14 both ways. Why? Because it's the superbowl, every team does better in the superbowl. But then again you should also add in other points. But what do I know? I just spent the last half a hour looking up statistics and rules.. Just to refresh.

7, 14, 21 + 2 + 3 = 26?
7, 14, + 2 + 3 = 19?

Probably not.

My guesses?

7 - 7

If I win....I swear to god...

I'm going to wait till later tomorrow to use my other guess. If that's fine with Theory11.
Dec 21, 2015
What's going on guys! Hope you're having a fantastic week! As most of you know, the Super Bowl is tomorrow. People from all over the country and the world will try and predict the outcome of the game - who will win and what the final score will be. I am actually here in San Francisco and will be at the game tomorrow! It should be a great game, and I'm excited to see it all go down in person!

The contest? Predict the Super Bowl winner and the score. Correctly guess the winner AND score of the Super Bowl. The teams playing are the Carolina Panthers and Denver Broncos. Each member gets 2 guesses, and they should be formatted like this:

Winner: Carolina Panthers
Score: 38-17

That's it! ALL ENTRIES should be posted in response to THIS forum thread by the start of the Super Bowl tomorrow - 6:00pm EST! Any entries afterward will NOT be eligible. The first person to post the correct winner and the score will take home the prize.

What will the winner take home? 1,000 Elite Points and a deck of Gold Monarchs, shipped on the house, anywhere in the world!

Can you predict the future?


What if nobody wins?
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