Saturday Night Contest - Super Bowl XLVIII


Director of Customer Experience
Team member
Oct 25, 2011
What's going on guys! Hope you're having a fantastic week! As most of you know, the Super Bowl is tomorrow. People from all over the country and the world will try and predict the outcome of the game - who will win and what the final score will be. That will be the basis of the challenge this week.

The contest? Predict the Super Bowl winner and the score. Correctly guess the winner AND score of the Super Bowl. The teams playing are the Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks. Each member gets 2 guesses, and they should be formatted like this:

Winner: Denver Broncos
Score: 24-21

That's it! ALL ENTRIES should be posted in response to THIS forum thread by the start of the Super Bowl tomorrow - 6:25pm EST! Any entries afterward will NOT be eligible. The first person to post the correct winner and the score will take home the prize.

What will the winner take home? A football signed by the theory11 creative team - Jonathan Bayme, Michael James, and Andrei Jikh!

Can you predict the future? Give it a shot!

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