you win
freaken great
Will the link where Dan and Dave review the videos be posted here? on this thread?
If this is anything like the usual contests, there won't be any link to anything. They'll just post and say they liked these two videos, and this one won.
how long does it usually take?
First off, thank you everyone for wishing us a Happy Birthday and participating in this little contest.
So now that we're old I guess it makes sense to be judging your skills - which is what we have been doing the past hour. It's crazy how quickly you guys can put these together. We didn't expect so many but it's always a pleasure to watch them.
There were two videos that really stood out. by december boy by The Cardician
Although both videos showcased exceptional skill and were well shot and edited, december boy's video stood out the most to us. So, congratulations to december boy, you are the winner of this weeks SNC.
Thanks everyone and we hope to see more of your videos.
All I can say is that I called it.... Haha congrats guys