Saturday Night Contest - The Magic Olympics


Elite Member
Oct 28, 2008
Hey guys! Like we said last week, the theory11 Olympics are not over yet. They conclude tonight with a very special event. Also inspired by FISM, this week’s competition revolves around magic. The Magic Olympic event starts tonight!

What is the challenge? Come up with a routine. It can be long, it can be short, or anywhere in between. This is what we are looking for this week:

1. How well the routine is structured – flow of the routine
2. Perform it well, try not to flash.
3. Creativity. Make it your own if the routine already exists.
4. It doesn’t have to fool us, but if you do, it will be a nice bonus to your score.

That’s what we are looking for in this final event of the theory11 Olympics! Production quality is absolutely NOT a factor in the competition, but make sure we can see what you are doing. If we notice any camera tricks whatsoever, you will be disqualified. Make sure everything is in view so you aren’t using the camera to your advantage!

Upload a video of your routine to either YouTube or Vimeo, and post the link to your video in response to THIS forum thread, by no later than 11:00pm EST, on Sunday, August 5th! After time is up, our panel of judges will determine who our Medal placers will be.

Just like last week, we are giving away 3 tiers of prizes. Gold, Silver, and Bronze. What are the prizes? Here they are:

GOLD: ANY effect on theory11, 3 Archangel Decks, and 3 Silver Steampunks!
SILVER: ANY effect on theory11!
BRONZE: ANY Wire Download of your choice!

There you go! We are super excited to see all of your entries this week. Let the conclusion to the theory11 Olympics begin!
Jun 2, 2012
Is the prize limited to one effect or can it be a set like the master file or the trilogy?


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Hey fellas, call me crazy but I think your videos must be shot and uploaded today or tomorrow...not something from a week, month or year ago. Also...I'm guessing the videos will score higher if you are performing live with some spectators reactions. I could be wrong, but if I were entering the contest I would be taking my skills to the streets or a family get together to get a good video shot of the contest effect / routine.

Pete Pridanonda

Elite Member
Jun 13, 2009
Everyone, the video must be uploaded TODAY!!!! Not from a year, month, week, yesterday, or even a second before the contest!
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