Saturday Night Contest - The Next theory11 Deck


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys, hope everyone is having a great weekend! This week's task is an important one - you get to name our next deck.

That's right, our next theory11 original deck will be named by one of you. And it will be selected entirely at random. It can be a serious name that fits our brand, or it can be as ridiculous and insane as it gets. Whichever choice it lands on, we have to use it....

Post your suggestion in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 11:00pm EST tomorrow night, Sunday, April 2nd. Once time is up, fate will decide our next release...

What can you win if we land on your entry? 1,000 Elite Member Points, and 6 Decks from our new Bundle & Save Page! Good luck!
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Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Was thinking about going with "BaymerZ", but then I was like - got a chance for custom decks here, so:

"Hikeeba's Nugget" (traditionally cut, stinger style fade on the border....) 'cuz why not?!

brian b.(18)

Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
Beaty and the beast
Lion king
Some old school Disney based deck or old school remake live action
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