Saturday Night Contest - The Year Ahead


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys, hope you all are having a great evening and have had a wonderful start to the new year so far. 2015 has come to a close, and we couldn't have done it without you. It has been the best year for us at theory11, and we are extremely grateful for all of your support. On behalf of the entire theory11 team, thank you!

As 2016 starts, we begin to reflect on what we did throughout the course of the past year; what we practiced, our successes and failures, our biggest accomplishments, achieving personal goals, etc. We thought it would be a good idea to reflect on just that - our year in review.

All you have to do to enter this week is to tell us what your biggest accomplishment or greatest memory in general of this last year was (does not have to be about magic or cardistry) - and what you hope to achieve in 2016 (one paragraph on each topic maximum).

Write in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 12:00am EST tonight. After time is up, we will choose three people at random to take home 500 Elite Member Points, and a deck of UNION Playing Cards.

Brian Brushwood, friend of theory11 and host of Scam School on YouTube, famously had a strategy of not only writing down his goals - but writing them down in locations where he’d have to see it every day: like on his bathroom mirror, on a piece of paper in his car, etc. That way, it’d be impossible for him NOT to see and reflect on those goals, on paper, multiple times every single day. The result was more focus and dedication to achieve whatever it is you commit to paper. We encourage you to do something of the sort with your new goals, so you can keep track of your progress and never forget what you should be focusing on.

We look forward to seeing your responses, and what goals you will set for yourselves in 2016!
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Nov 10, 2014
My best memory was getting a bunch of magic book this year. What I look forward to achieving in magic this year is to read them, and what I look forward to doing this year outside of magic is to read Out Of The Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis. (Also the Elite page still lists 1000 points as the SNC reward so something might want to be changed.)


Elite Member
This past year I strengthened my passion for photography, and started my card photography project on Instagram. Overall it has been a fun learning experience. From this I've had two of my photos printed on aluminum that I hang on my wall and see everyday.

This year I plan to do more and shoot more pictures in different and interesting locations. I'm sure I will be able to truly take myself to the "next level" by doing so.

Gabriel Z.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
My biggest non-magic related accomplishment for this past year was being able to spend time with family. I have a great family and think that everyone should cherish their time with their family. Whether they have a big or small family , one should realize that life is too short to not want to engage in activities with their family. Some of my most memorable times of the year was not with my cards , however watching movies with my family or going out places with my mother. I hope to achieve a lot within this next year. While still spending time with my family , I hope to lose some weight and learn many more card effects. Happy New Years!!!
Sep 6, 2015
In 2015 I mastered the perfect faro shuffle, which took two destroyed decks, a lot of frustration and six months to do.

In 2016 I hope to dive deeper into the world of cardistry, and I plan on going out on the streets to perform magic for random people.
Sep 6, 2014
My biggest accomplishment was to release my color change "CLOCK" on the Wire. It is an amazing platform which allows every magician to sell their tricks freely. I love the opportunities that theory 11 gives us(the contests, giveaways, discounts, and awesome releases) My goals for 2016 is to build my own website and to have a lot of fun like I do most of the time. Happy New Year everyone!

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
Well, let's get to it.

My biggest goal last year was to make a great cardistry video. I had just begun, but had a unique idea I wanted to bring into fruition. Unfortunately, I was found to have osteoporosis--notably because my left wrist was constantly breaking and my left thumb being in pain a lot during this time. I thought I kept banging or running my hand into corners and lifting heavy stuff at that time. Fearing that my 'old bones' we're going to go haywire soon, I decided to ramp up my cardistry vocabulary immediately. Albeit one-handed cardistry, since the left hand was unable to perform easy cuts. The end result in December was a decent cardistry move set and my first cardistry video (which I took down because it was very poorly received by the cardistry community). But point being, I got it done! I made my first, and maybe only, cardistry move display video.

For 2016. I want to perform magic at Cook's Childrens Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas. I know performing in a hospital was a big goal for me last year, but a recent move to Texas turned the finances and magic budget towards moving supplies and paint. With a better set of bearings of how I want my actual magic show to look and be presented (as well as have the finances and the practice down to a science), I believe I can make that happen by probably August timeframe.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2014
One of my happiest memories of this year for me was simply able to do a color change for one of my co-workers kids. Magic for me is a hobby I just started and while I'm terrible at it, getting the kid's eyes bulge with excitement and a huge "WOW" was honestly like seeing pigs fly - unbelievably amazing.
Sep 25, 2013
My biggest goal that I accomplished was taking first step in making my hobby more "pro". I have won a photography contest and was able to sell four pictures (can't describe the feeling of first sold photograph).

My goal for 2016 is to win another edition of the same contest and maybe share my work on social media, so I can advance in making my hobby a really nice thing.
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Dec 12, 2015
i achieved to learn many new moves with a deck of cards. I want to perform better this year, and pay better attention to angles when i perform magic. Also i would like to extend my deck collection and maybe open a online store. Have a nice day !! :)
Jun 13, 2013
i achieved to be a consultant to a magician for some tricks and i publish my first trick. i want to be better to do what i love in this year ohhh and run i will start running again....
Jul 18, 2014
My biggest accomplishment this year was getting my first gig, it was with a couple of my other magic friends so it was really fun. I hope to get more gigs this year and expand my card collection, with the help of Theory 11 of course. Also I hope to get 25o instagram followers (@benthemagician) so I can do a giveaway. Lastly I hope to publish a trick on the wire.
Nov 21, 2014
I just got in the art for like a year or so, so, maybe the greatest achievement I attained was, with and/or through magic, I got to develop my personality, not only as a magician/performer, but a person..the art really helped.

As for this year, I'm going to go further in the field--practice some more, do some more, be some more--I think
I just want to be a good one.


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
I run a weekly seminar for 40 local middle schoolers where I try to get them interested in science using magic. It is by far the most popular program (and naturally, the hardest to get into as everyone wants to join) this school has ever done. The principal once caught me doing Rick Lax's soul paper on them. I was worried I was going to get a call from him and he would yell at me and threaten to fire me if I did stuff like that again. Sure enough, I got a call from him about it but instead it went "my wife is out of town. Can you teach me how to do that thing where the piece of paper on fire flies to the ceiling." Magic highlight of the year for sure!

Magic goal for the next year is to find a publisher for my magic trick marriage proposals. I've been publishing them on the magic roadshow but he only wants to run it for six issues (and it's been in a several month hiatus now as he's redoing the website) and I have many more ideas. Besides this stuff really needs to be on DVD to shine.
Dec 30, 2014
I had several accomplishments last year (2015) : I discovered I could back flip after wanting to be able to for so long, I decided to start training for the ITF taekwon-do world cup this year and what I hope to achieve this year, well, the list goes on and on... but my main hopes are releasing a game onto the app store/play store, get back into magic a little bit more as this last year I was a bit annoyed how I had stopped doing it as much, learn guitar and get a gold medal at the world cup for Taekwon-do.

I have written a massive list which I shall be checking off throughout the year.
Oct 5, 2013
Well, I hope and I'm gonna work HARD to achieve my 2016 goals. I havent figure them out all but some of them are those:

*Learning PHP - that's a progrmming language wich is used for a backend web programming
*Become a professional Java programmer
*Become a freelancer
*Continue spreading the Art of Magic here where I live, because here Magic is something that you can see only on TV.
*Getting college degree on time
*And last but not least, Make People Smile and Make Myself Smile !
Dec 10, 2015
This year has been great. My main goal was to adapt to my high school and learn English, as I recently moved to Perth, Australia, from Barcelona, Spain. Thanks to magic I made friends and learned enough English to understand everyone(although the Australian accent is really hard!), and also to pass all my exams.

My goal for next year is to create magic tricks and flourishes, and share them with the few magicians from Perth and hopefully magicians from around the world. I have a list of tricks in my room that I want to create, and that I will hopefully tick off as the year passes. I've already ticked off a couple, but they need a lot more practice.
Happy 2016 everyone!
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