Saturday Night Contest - The Year Ahead


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2015
My fondest memory of 2015 was sending off a friend who went to another country to follow his dreams. Although it's sad that we won't be seeing each other until 2017, I was really happy for him; and it reminded me that no matter how far fetched our dreams seem, with hard work they can be achieved.
Even though it's not magic related, this year I want to finish my thesis and get my bachelor's degree.
Dec 21, 2014
A year of reflection. Wow
It's amazing how much we can do in a year . . .
A few quick highlights were
- developing and sticking to a weekly exercise routine
- interacting and making friends at my new college
- reviewing and writing at the end of each day about what you did
and of course MAGIC!
Keep setting goals everyone!


Elite Member
Aug 14, 2013
My accomplishment is that I made more friends this year. I'm not really an introvert, but I like being in a small group at most. However this year I decided to put myself out a little more, and actually found some fellow card collectors and magicians. I reached 100 decks of cards in my collection as well. Also, 2015 marked the 7th healthy year after receiving a kidney transplant from my dad.

For 2016, I hope to learn more magic, meet more people (maybe even a girlfriend (maybe who also likes magic )), to continue building my collection, maybe win a SNC, and to just find happiness in every day.


This past year I was hired to do photography and produce a video for a summer camp. After months and months of hard work, the first copies are finally being made onto DVD this very moment.
I plan on purchasing new equipment which will bring me major steps closer to producing more pro video stuff as well as fun cardistry videos :)


Elite Member
Oct 18, 2011
One of the greatest memory of this year is the birth of my nephew... Our family just got bigger and happier in every sense...

And what I want the most for this new year is to complete, finally, my university carreer...

To everyone, hope the greatest year of all... Happy 2016!!!!
Dec 17, 2013
My best memory was spending a month of my summer volunteering at a summer camp. What an unforgettable experience. I met the most incredible people ever. I was only with them for a month and I am better friends with them than the people I have known all my life. I now have people that I know all over the U.S. I will probably never see them again but remembering the time we spent together brings me great joy.

I hope to release some sleights or effects on the wire. I have been working on some stuff but those words have no weight because who isn't working on anything right? So I would like to develop my sleights and become a better magician so I can release something on the wire so I can feel accomplished. Because all in all, we're just looking for the next thing to please us.

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico

Being a little bit quick... as magic concerns my biggest acomplishments:

1.- create a new theater show and doubled the audience from last year show... I learned a lot more and I feel ready for a really really big theater show this year...
2.- Perform for the first time in my life outside mexico in Jeff Mcbride Wonderground in Las Vegas!!
3.- Create a Webpage ( go and check it out!!

what I hope to accomplish:

Create the new theater show..."The mythology of Mistery" with everything I learned in las Vegas and using all my knowledge in magic... and present it in the biggest theater in my city (around 2000 people, the other one where 600)

In life.

1. In january...after a really, really violent and big accident in my city where I nearly got killed, lost my car in the accident, my girlfriend dump me and got a big trouble in my architect job (nearly got fired) all in the same month, the succession of those events nearly destroyed me... but fortunately I got back on my feet and everything is way better now, I learned that in the face of defeat we can decide to be strong and carry on!! so cheers for that!!

What I hope to accomplish:

Finally move with my raven to a new house!! I already bought half the furniture!!


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
2015 will forever be remembered as the year I left behind my job of 8 years and hometown of 37 years to follow a dream. My wife's dream. After graduating from university, she was immediately offered a great job that was too good to pass up in VA. It meant leaving our home, family, and friends back in TX. It wasn't easy, but five days on the road and one winter storm later we arrived at the place we would live for at least the next few years. After two months I was able to continue my career in the same field with a bigger, better organization.

In 2016 we hope to rebuild our network of friends in a city 2,000 miles away from the place we call home. You end up making a lot of friends when you stay in the same place for 37 years. Hopefully it doesn't take that long here. :/
Jan 2, 2016
I was elected president of my local IBM and SAM combined ring. To me it was a huge accomplishment. This year I plan on turning our ring around and getting many new members. This was just a quick answer to the request.


Elite Member
May 30, 2015
Early 2015 I started down this road of cards, magic etc...When I first started I couldn't even keep the cards in my hands while trying to do a false shuffle. Then even with just some simple card tricks I did for my daughter and she loved it. We live 2000 miles away from each other so seeing her reaction to something I did made me feel amazing.

I am hoping in 2016 I will be able to share more magic with my daughter and continue to practice as much as I can at the basics. This has been a great year of learning for me. I just want to continue to move forward. Heres to a great 2016 for my Theory11 friends.

Dec 28, 2015
Last year was a big year for me. It involved me finally moving out, being promoted in the job I had at the time and discovering a joy and huge interest in magic. I was trained up as a professional bartender, by some of the best bartenders around. We played host to some of the greatest nights out in the city we were in and it really helped me with confidence and performing. The performing aspect came from the singing and dancing with customers on the bar, holding blowtorches while creating incredible cocktails, all with some rock and roll playing at 11 until the early hours of the morning. One of the biggest memories was when a customer came in on a quiet weekday and showed us some magic, I was hooked.

This year I am focusing on creating my own business in property, furthering myself in magic - mostly cards but who knows which paths I'll want to take. Also working towards my goal of buying a vehicle and prepping it to travel the world in a few years time. I'm very eager to get out with my camera and shoot more, last year I felt like i had neglected it for the most part. Fingers crossed, this year should be incredible.
Oct 13, 2015
What happened to me last year was less of an accomplishment, less of a personal goal, but more of a revelation. I spent the first half of the year wasting my time on fake friends, false hopes, and ruined dreams, and I realized that true friendship is not based off of doing what's popular, but doing what's right, so I cut ties with most of my old friends because I realized they were no longer the people I had grown to like. Then I met someone who actually cared, someone who carried me out of a very dark place, and that has made all the difference.

In addition to my pursuits in magic, I am looking to see if I can take my writing career to the next level. This isn't the place to self advertise, so I won't, but I just wanted to say that I'm excited to explore new styles and themes, and sharing it with the world is something that I want to do. I'm aiming to release a book I've been working on for a couple of months now. It's a contemporary fiction novel on Western perception, but at the same times serves as a metaphorical biography. This has been inspired by events in my life, and thanks to all the support around me, it's becoming possible. For I can tell you that there are more than one magic reference within my book, so to wrap this post up, I just wanted to say thank you to Theory 11 for being part of a great year, and always reminding me that real magic lies within ourselves.

I wish everyone a the best 2016 they ever had!
Mar 7, 2015
My most memorable experience of 2015 was camping in Yellowstone National Park. It was a great experience, one I will never forget.

My biggest goal for 2016 is to enjoy life with friends and family.


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2014
My main goal for 2016 is to be more available for my kids. Time is flying by so quickly we hardly appreciate them growing up.

Card-wise 2015 was for me the year of getting into Cardistry and card collecting, magic taking the backseat.
In 2016:
- Cardistry: focus on improving my list of utility moves, and ramping up to catch up with the community.
- Magic: improve my essential tools, but focus more on presentation, and finding who I am as a magician.


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Alright guys, the deadline is up, and we have our winners! Before I announce them, I just want to thank each and every one of you for sharing your goals, your accomplishments, what you set out to do for the new year, and even some hardships along the way. I can relate with a lot of your posts; I have experienced some of the same barriers in life, and living every day hoping to be a better version of myself. It's a journey we can all take together to not only come closer together as magicians, cardists, or collectors, but come closer as a family, and as a community. theory11 has always been my home away from home, and going through this journey together has been nothing short of extraordinary. One of the goals I would like to set for this new year is for all of us to become even closer of a family than before. It's extremely important to have people in our life that are always wanting to build us up. I truly believe this is the best community to do just that. Here's to 2016!

Our randomly selected winners are:

Please contact our support team with details to claim your prize!

We have gone with the format of a 24 hour deadline for SNCs for quite a while. As you have noticed this week, we have shortened it to just Saturday night. We will be testing the old deadline (7:30pm to 11:00pm EST) for some future contests, so we just wanted to give everyone a heads up. Have a great weekend!
Jan 1, 2015
In the 2015,i perform magic for the first time.It was a street performace.It turned out not very good but at least i tried.I prepared more and perform at a different place later then.This time it was a street busking.Although it was still not good but it was better,i got 11MYR at the end.It wasnt much but the experience and memory was the most valueble payback i get.By the end of December,i managed to performed a few street show and a paid restaurant show.Although this might be nothing compared to the great magician,but it was a good start for me.

In 2016,my goal is to keep achieving more,and more close to my dream(which is to be a great magcian).I am blessed to have a group of great magician and cardist friends around me,helping me,enjoying life with me and i appreciate it a lot.I hope everyone is safely achieving their own dream,living their life fully and magically everyday.Wish everyone a great 2016 and lets work hard together chasing dreams!
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