Saturday Night Contest - theory11 Turns 15!


Elite Member
Jan 13, 2017
For me it was Chris Ramsay and his video how to produce a card out of thin air. Great content that lead me to t11, and here the magic truly happened 😄


Elite Member
Apr 12, 2017
I found out about Theory11 when my friend got an email notification on his laptop while we were watching a movie together, and we had to stop watching and browse the new collection they had released back in 2013
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Elite Member
Jun 23, 2022
A while ago, I found a random card review. At the time of the review, I only had 2 decks. I started to build my collections, mainly around Theory 11 decks, and now I have over 40 decks.

Theory Eleven also started to get me into magic. This first trick I ever bought was Double Agent, and that… that one was hard. But I kept pushing with it, and I’ve almost mastered it now! It’s been since May of 2020 since I bought my first product here, so, a little more than 2 years now? It feels like longer 😂.

Thanks Theory Eleven!
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Elite Member
Mar 3, 2012
I found T11 before it began, I still remember the countdown and the teasers and the hints. The OG days with the Bucks and Chris Kenner part of the site, with videos filming under the staircase. It made magic cool again, and different.

Happy 15th Theory11!
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Elite Member
Nov 26, 2017

Saw the cardistry video that Virtuoso dropped back in 2015, got super hooked into cardistry and decided to find some cool decks to buy. Instantly, I went onto Amazon and saw a bunch of decks listed for sale, most of them were by Theory11. That led me to do more research about the company and what it does. Found this site and all the playing cards, magic tricks, and nifty crafts that were sold. Never looked back ever since!

Happy 15th birthday! And super stoked for the Piracy deck. 😃
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Sep 30, 2021
I first learned about theory11 after watching your interviews with the now you see me cast and since then you have been my sole supplier of cards and tricks! Definitely my favorite card brand online store or whatever you want to call it.
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Jul 29, 2022
I'm fairly certain it's past the cut off time but I still feel the want to share :)
When I first started collecting playing cards a year or two ago (I only had like 3 decks at the time) My dad disappeared to like Barnes & Noble or something and came back with the Neil Patrick Harris card deck. The card deck was so pretty and I enjoyed trying to figure out the riddle or whatever in the cards. I don't think I would've continued collecting if my dad didn't bring that home for me.
Happy 15th Theory 11!
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Elite Member
Dec 10, 2011
I first learned about theory 11 when I saw a video on youtube where a guy showed tricks with a deck of Monarchs, I really liked them, I started to google and found out about you)


Elite Member
Oct 18, 2011
I found theory11 web thanks to D&D... They were one of the first performers I was kinda obssessed with, and they did lead me here to expand even more my artists knowleage...


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Ever since Lee Asher posted this on decknique back in late July 2007:

Hey Guys,
Over the last several months a brand new idea has emerged from the
underground - an idea most have been patiently waiting for a very long
I really can't say too much at this time, but the only hint I offer is
to make sure you check out right now AND also
come back next Monday at Midnight (EST) to receive more juicy details.
(cut and paste if not clickable)
I'll be there. Will you?
Lee Asher
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Dec 11, 2021
I heard about Theory11 thorough a friend who is very enthusiastic about the Theory11 cards. He got me interested in the cards and the cool designs.


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Happy Birthday Theory11!

I discovered T11 back when it was first founded, 15 years ago already 😮, while I was following what was going on in the magic/flourish sphere, on D&D forums.

There they announced taking part in a new project, where 11 notorious names of the industry gathered to create a never seen before new type of online community/store... Theory11.


Elite Member
Jul 25, 2015
2015, I was looking to get back into card magic and needed cards! At the time Theory 11 had not only interesting new card designs to check out but also the best discounts on bricks, not to mention some awesome Jason England videos. No more brick discounts to be found, but years later I'm still here because you guys are all awesome.

Here's to another 15!
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Elite Member
Apr 11, 2021
About four years ago, I was watching one of Chris Ramsay’s “deck collection” videos, and I was intrigued by the look of the Monarchs. I found TXI and bought a deck immediately. I've been following you guys and keeping up with the community ever since :). While I'm not as much in the magic or cardistry sphere anymore, the work Theory11 does is fascinating and really wonderful. Happy 15th birthday!
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Elite Member
Jul 18, 2015
Found it via a FB ad after getting into magic from seeing P&T in LV, seven years ago.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
I think David Blaine? Weren't his Split Spades cards sold here exclusively at one point?

I bought a deck of those... and wore them down to the ground. Front pocket, constant carry, dropping cards everywhere as I learned, and learned, and learned.

If my memory is off on that, then it was Google. But I think it was David Blaine.

Either way, Happy 15th Birthday to one of the best magic companies in history. Your products have made my life (magical and otherwise) infinitely better. Here's to your next 15... and beyond.
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