Saturday Night Contest - theory11 Turns 16!

Ramon O.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
The first time I saw a T11 deck was in an online magic supply store. So I quickly visited the theory 11 website. This was around the year 2019.

Amit R.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Years ago I was looking for a gift for my brother who’s also a magic fan. That led me to googling something like “special” or “luxury” playing cards which led me to Theory11 and articles about card durability, card stock, etc…

Eventually the first Theory11 videos I saw involved Andrew Jikh and the concept of “cardistry” which blew my mind and I’ve been hooked ever since.

Happy Birthday! You look as young as a website half your age :cool:


Elite Member
Sep 17, 2021
2 years ago this Sept I came across a book about how to cheat at poker and it sparked a long held interest in magic I couldn't do much with when i was a kid. Later in life I became a wiccan, witch take things that are harmful and use them in a way that is not. And here is this cool book and it says I need to buy the best playing cards in the world, with I came across theory11 on a pack of guardians. and the journey begain...


Elite Member
Nov 26, 2017
Happy birthday T11!

Found out back in 2015 when I was looking to shop for some cards on Amazon. All the decks that caught my attention were T11 produced playing cards, been a fan ever since!


Elite Member
Oct 18, 2011
I found T11 thanks to D&D... At that moment, when I started to be interested in magic and cardistry, they were my first insight to this world, and when they mention theory11, I knew I had to looking foward...
Dec 7, 2021
I used to go to Walgreens every week and pick up a new deck of cards. The nicest cards were always theory 11. The beautiful foil always was so entrancing. I then joined the best community of magicians EVER!

Davis West

Elite Member
Dec 26, 2013
Funny enough I’ve been on the site for a decade and I cannot exactly remember but I’m 99% sure it was from seeing Dan and Dave videos on YouTube and have been a happy customer ever since
Dec 6, 2021
I found out about theory 11 when i was walking through target trying to find a deck of cards for game night and saw the beautiful design that are the citizens deck and the striking amount of detail that the high victorians have, could not decide so i flipped a coin and it landed on the citizens so made my purchase and was blown away with how awesome these cards were. Fast forward a couple of weeks later and my girl got me the high victorians for my birthday which triggered my addictive personality and sent me down the rabbit hole of card collecting.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
I might be remembering this wrong (it's been so long!), but at one point didn't T11 sell David Blaine's "Split Spades" deck?

I feel like my discovery of his work led me here. I'm not sure, though.

Either way, Happiest of Birthdays to one of my all-time favorite magic outlets on the Internet. Thanks for all the wonder you've helped bring into my world. Eternally grateful.

Amit R.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Years ago I was looking for a gift for my brother who’s also a magic fan. That led me to googling something like “special” or “luxury” playing cards which led me to Theory11 and articles about card durability, card stock, etc…

Eventually the first Theory11 videos I saw involved Andrew Jikh and the concept of “cardistry” which blew my mind and I’ve been hooked ever since.

Happy Birthday! You look as young as a website half your age :cool:

** darn autocorrect, I meant ‘Andrei’


Elite Member
Jul 25, 2015
I checked my order history and see I made my first order in 2015. I came for the great service and selection of cards and stayed for the forums. Happy Birthday!


Elite Member
Dec 24, 2018
Happy Birthday!
I was doing magic after a long time away from it. When I went to buy a card deck, I found there were many to choose from.
I soon learned collecting decks was a thing. I remember when i found Theory 11. What beautiful cards. And it was here that
my obsession began.
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