Saturday Night Contest - theory11 Turns 17!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey everyone, hope you're all having a great weekend! Exactly 17 years ago today, theory11 was launched from a small garage in Charleston, South Carolina - but that was only the start of this adventure. Over the 6,205 days that followed, inspired by your support, we haven’t looked back.

We’ve produced hundreds of playing card designs with our heroes… and even some superheroes. We've released countless original magic tricks, to empower this community to better create magical moments of your own. We’ve made magic shows - with Dan White, Justin Willman, Blake Vogt, Franco Pascali, and more - each one intimate, mysterious, and exclusive.

Together, with your help, we've elevated the world of playing cards and magic, and created something unique - backed by an incredible team of artists, designers, developers, and dreamers that started one day 17 years ago in August, and never stopped innovating.

To celebrate our 17th birthday, we just want to know how you found out about theory11. Were you here at the official site launch in 2007? Did you hear about us from a YouTube video? Was it through one of our collaborations? Whatever it was that sparked the interest for theory11, we want to hear about it! We are so incredibly blessed to have you all a part of this community, and share the love and passion for playing cards and magic with us on a daily basis. Without you, none of this would have ever been possible.

Post your response in this forum thread by no later than tomorrow Sunday, September 1st at 11pm EST. Once time is up we will select one random winner to take home 1,000 Elite Points and a Variety Box, shipped on the house anywhere in the world.

Good luck!
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ST. Alex

Elite Member
Dec 22, 2023
First of all Happy Birthday Theory 11 and many magical years to come with great playing cards! I first heard about Theory 11 from Chris Ramsay, and i remember that imediatelly as i did create my account here it felt like a magical place.
Aug 22, 2022
I found out from my brother, when I bought my first avengers deck. I had no idea how much of a hobby card collecting would become. The variety boxes, and special edition decks and magic tricks have all been such a fun part of my life, and I will forever be in T11’s debt. That was two years ago, here’s hoping I’ll be here for years to come.


Elite Member
Jun 29, 2014
Happy 17th anniversary, theory11!

I discovered theory11 around 2014, during a time when I was really into cardistry. I stumbled upon one of Andrei Jikh's cardistry videos, and from that point on, I created an account and have been here since.


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2023
Mobile, AL
I heard about, or saw an ad somewhere for a game called 'Box One'. Thought it would be a great gift for my wife (it was!). After making my purchase, I looked around the site. 'Hey look! They sell magic tricks! Wow! Look at all the cool card decks!' Box One was the first of many MANY purchases from Theory11. I've since went Elite (still waiting for the card!), and still going strong on finding new things to buy.

Happy anniversary T11! Thanks for some amazing products!
Mar 26, 2024
Happy anniversary Theory11🎊🎊
I found out about Theory11 around March this year from a reel on Instagram presenting the purple Avengers deck (because I watch all the movies by Marvel Studios I found it like a suggestion post). Since then i follow every release and try to take part in every Saturday Night Contests when i can.
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Elite Member
Sep 3, 2022
I found out about Theory11 when I was looking for information about the52 with Daniel Madison after reading a book about it. I then signed up to the newsletter to learn a false transfer, and I’ve been on here ever since.
Jan 2, 2024
I think I found out about Theory11 through NPH when he released Box 1. Thanks to social media algorithms, I started to see sponsored ads for different Theory11 products. I then went down a rabbit whole and started to collect Theory11 playing cards.

I am a Magician

Elite Member
Nov 19, 2018
I found Theory11 a couple of years ago through a youtube video when I was learning basic card tricks. Glad to have been with Theory11 ever since. Happy birthday!
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Oct 17, 2021
Happy 17th!
I found out about T11 in 2021 when a Facebook ad showed me the Avengers deck. I was flabbergasted by the artwork and how premium the cards looked. I decided to order two of them, one to keep unopened, one to open and play with (we are big Cribbage players in the family, and I do love the occasional poker game with the bros), and a third one for a friend who shares my Marvel love. That was only the beginning..

Upon receiving them, I immediately fell in love with the feel of the cards themselves, I completely understood right then and there why you claim to have "the world's finest playing cards". Those are not the normal, cheap plastic novelty cards, and you can tell so quickly. They instantly feel premium and that's what I love so much about them. But the thing is, after a poker game with this Avengers deck, we realised that the letters and numbers are using a font that is just a bit too narrow, making it hard to read when the card is far from you. So having a river card that two people couldn't recognize as quickly as the other players just wasn't going to cut it. And that's why I decided that I wasn't going to stay there :p

My second order was a Variety box, and I teamed up with friends and family to fill up a box. I decided I was going to buy all the cards you'd be producing from the movies and shows that I watched and loved. So I got James Bond, Mandalorian, Star Wars and several Harry Potter decks. But while I was browsing around to find the perfect combination, something else caught my attention. I was like, waitaminute, is that Neil Patrick Harris??

So I added BoxOne to that order, because it looked fantastic and I got hooked by the "one player escape room" concept. My spouse and I did it one after the other and we loved the experience thoroughly! And my new decks looked and played wonderfully too (I ended up preferring the James Bond deck for poker games, and the Harry Potter decks for cribbage, for the record! The fonts used made us feel like young people that can read from afar again!)

So as you can tell, I was quite addicted now. There was nowhere to go but up at this point. My third order was Dune, Lord of the Rings, Spider-Man and the Dark Knight. Wonderful decks. Dune became my cribbage deck.

And I just received, two weeks ago, my fourth order: Superman, Guardians of the Galaxy, Rick and Morty, a pink Beatles deck for my wife, and the insanely great Stranger Things Box Set. This latter item is probably my favorite item now. I can't wrap my head around how cool it looks and feel, from the subtile magnets for the opening of the box, the whole VHS vibe, the simple placement of the blue deck, to all of the markings and references on the box and the decks. I. Am. In. Love.

Whoo would you look at that. I think I went overboard. I am so sorry I took so much of your time!

tldr: I love your cards and I found about T11 through the Avengers deck in a Facebook ad. Started collecting them ever since. 🥳
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Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
I became aware of Theory11 back in 2012 as collecting playing cards really started to take off for me. I mainly focused on Bicycle variations and Theory11 had some bike branded decks. Once I got a hold of Monarchs and Rebels, it was the beginning of a while new era.

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
Happy 17th!

I found y’all trying to look for magic forums in the early ‘10’s. I’m used to forums and surprisingly, there weren’t many. But this place had the contests videos, cardistry, and The Marketplace and this place has always felt like a big activity center. It’s always been cool like that, so thanks for all the fish!
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Oct 22, 2023
I believe I found out about theory 11 through the deck collaborations just running across them at the store. I bought one of the decks and then when looking for magic tricks to learn stumbled onto the site and began ordering a variety of items never looking back.
Mar 10, 2024
I remember it vividly. It was a dark and stormy night. My car had broken down on the outskirts of town. Luckily, I had with me my rain gear. After popping the hood and inspecting the engine bay, it was clear that I was the victim of sabotage! Someone had cut the coolant lines! I had no enemies so I had no idea who would have done such a thing. Never-the-less, I was stranded. So, I began walking home. The thunder and the lightning all around me. It was an eerie feeling. Then all of the sudden I heard a loud CRACK of lightning and the light flashed and I saw the shadow of a silhouette standing about 20 yards up ahead of me just standing there. I was out in the middle of nowhere and this was a very scary feeling, so I turned around and started heading back to my car. The thoughts started to go through my head: who was that person? what was he doing out there? could that have been the person that sabotaged my car? After thinking some of these thoughts I noticed that I started picking up my pace as I walked back to my car. I heard another loud BANG from the lightning and that caused me to jump a bit and look around that with the next flash of the lightning I noticed that silhouette had been following me! I started jogging back to the car all the while checking behind me only to find he was still following me! This had to be the most terrifying experience of my life! The car finally came into sight and I started to sprint towards it and as I was only feet away, I tripped and I felt something grab my leg! I tried to get away, but it just kept pulling! It kept pulling my leg!.... just like I'm pulling yours.
I found out about Theory11 when I looked up what cards they used in the movie Now You See Me.


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
I'm pretty sure I found out about Theory11 all the way back around when it started from iTricks.
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Elite Member
Sep 18, 2017
Happy Birthday Theory11!!! So Awesome!
I found out about Theory11 in 2017 when I was getting into Magic and Cardistry. Came across it by chance online and never looked back! by far the best forum on Magic and the best cards ever! Thanks a lot and here's to another 17 years (at least!)
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Amit R.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Happy birthday!!

I first heard about cardistry on tv, decided to look up some YouTube videos and found Andrei twirling those cards plus a reference to some mysterious Theory11. Fast forward an hour and I was scrolling looking for new decks on the site.

Khaleel Olaiky

Elite Member
Aug 31, 2013
Happy birthday Theory11 👏🏼🎂🥳

It was 2013 when I was introduced to the website, I think I watched a trailer on YouTube for one of the tricks released that year and I was amazed by everything, I clicked on the website and never looked back.

A lot of friends were made, discussions, releases and contests.

Thank you ♥️
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