Saturday Night Contest - theory11 Turns 17!

Dec 11, 2022
Happy 17th Birthday Theory11!! Hope you many more.

I think I first heard of you 7-8 years ago from the first video of Chris Ramsay showing his collection, or maybe a video from The Card Guy that suddenly appear in my youtube. In my country (I'm from EU) poker decks hasn't been has big as they might be in USA (we use other type of deck to play other type of games), and customs decks is something that I didn't know even existed (besides souvenir cheap and ugly ones, and those not poker too), brands like T11 or Bicycle are not know here unless you are a magician so it was cool to see from the first time the cool decks you and other people produce. A different type of part, without needing a canvas, and an art you can play with, or do magic tricks. The first decks from you I fell in love with were Tavern on the Green and Contraband. After that, other decks came like Provision, Animal Kingdom,...
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Elite Member
Aug 26, 2023
Albany NY
Happy birthday T11~

I honestly dont remember exactly when/how I heard of the company first, or which was the first deck of yours that caught my eye and prompted me to load the official website. I do remember manually typing in the URL to buy direct from source for a large order, rather than going through ebay for my first purchase.

When I got into collecting a 3 or so years ago, I sorta had gone ham and was just buying decks left right and center all over the place, but it wasnt long into collecting before T11 was on my radar and on the top of my priority list to collect all still available decks.

In short time T11 decks became the favorite sons among my massive collection, being the great balance of ornate art while not losing the fun aspect a deck of cards should have in the first place.
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Dec 6, 2019
Happy birthday !
I think it was about 8-10 years ago if I’m ballparking it. I was really into hosting some poker games with some friends. And I needed some stylish cards for my games. And the love for collecting cards started. Love the journey and keep on riding the waves.

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Elite Member
Dec 3, 2018
Happy 17th Anniversary theory11 !!

My first contact with theory11 was when I had just started collecting playing cards and my dad bought me black Monarchs. The cards handled great and the tuck was just amazing!!! I had see what other cards were available from them. Got hooked and here I am still years later.

Aside from awesome decks and other products T11 creates, I really enjoy the forum and especially the Saturday Night contests. It's fun and challenging to come up with different ideas on how to create photos and videos. And of course see what other like-minded people have come up with :)

Cheers, theory11! Hopefully for many years to come!
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Elite Member
Jul 9, 2011
Happy 17th birthday!

I remember learning about Theory11 through Ellusionist's forums in 2008. My first purchase was Prophet! Hopefully many more years to come!
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Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
happy Birthday T11
I think it was back in 2008 0r 2009, I had earned some online money and that allowed me to purchase some magic tricks, I wanted to buy Panic from Aaron Fisher with cheap shipping costs to Pakistan, and I found out T11 with the most cheapest shipping option back then that was shipping to Pakistan. After that I got into cards collection also and I have been collecting cards since then too
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Elite Member
Aug 26, 2022
First and foremost - happy anniversary!
Well, I first stumbled upon Theory11 about 2 years ago when I saw you have Harry Potter decks, which is a series I adore, so I purchased a set. When I got them and took a look at them and felt them I just knew they are awesome and that Theory11 has must-have products with the utmost respect for their customers and the prettiest of decks and tricks.
Since then I purchased who knows how many times and how many products.
Thank you for this!
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Elite Member
Dec 4, 2017
Happy birthday T11 🃏🥳

I found about Theory 11 probably around 2014... I fell in love as soon as I saw The Monarchs. After 10 years, I'm a proud owner of the complete Monarchs collection (including pre-release and EMP) and many more T11 decks and magic tricks 😁

What an amazing community always willing to help and support everyone! Very happy to be part of this family.

Looking forward to the next 17, and more 17, and so on 😁❤️
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Elite Member
Dec 10, 2011
I first learned about Theory 11 when I saw a video on YouTube of a guy spinning Monarchs cards. I was curious about what kind of cards they were, and that's how I found you)


Elite Member
Oct 18, 2011
In 2009, when I started to find my love for magic and cardistry, I came across to Dan & Dave and after a few videos of them, I watched a collaboration with T11 so I had to visit and glad I did, because of all the new contents and artists and the new community you guys were creating.

Happy 17 years in the business, and once again, thanks for all you do for all of us around the world!
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Tyce W.

Elite Member
Nov 21, 2022
Happy 17th Birthday Theory11!!
I found T11 from an ad that came up on Youtube coupled with finding (and buying) their Avengers deck at the local Walmart and I immediately fell in love with the quality. I am honored to be part of such a incredible community!
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Elite Member
Mar 3, 2012
I still remember the announcement. The morsecode tease. The 11 original artists. The music. The videos under the stairway. It was such an exciting time, where magic seemed so cool again!


Elite Member
Dec 24, 2018
Congrats on your great achievements so far!
With the promise of an even more incredible future. Without a doubt.
When I was young magician, card collecting wasn’t the same as today.
So I was surprised. Also cards of poker size not bridge size was the new norm. Then I saw the variety available. Soon I was obsessed. I am so happy to soon see the impressive Theory 11 cards. So many that I desired and I never turned back. 😉
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Elite Member
Dec 25, 2014
Happy 17th Birthday Theory 11 🔥🔥

I actually first known Theory 11 way back since 2014 when I first started magic!

In my country, Malaysia, magic isn't really a big thing and it is hard to find good magic shops around and that's why I came across Theory 11 from YouTube, where I still vividly remembered Christen Gerhart was the one handling Exposé on YouTube back in the days!

Theory 11 caught my attention among the rest because of the collection of exquisite playings cards which were super rare in my country and I just really wanted to collect them all one day.

Fast forward 10 years later, by doing countless Spin The Wheels every year end I'm glad that I am able to get a couple of decks by redeeming the points I've won 🎁

Keep it up Theory 11, and hope you will continue to keep providing beautiful decks as well as amazing magic tricks as always 🎉


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
I heard about, or saw an ad somewhere for a game called 'Box One'. Thought it would be a great gift for my wife (it was!). After making my purchase, I looked around the site. 'Hey look! They sell magic tricks! Wow! Look at all the cool card decks!' Box One was the first of many MANY purchases from Theory11. I've since went Elite (still waiting for the card!), and still going strong on finding new things to buy.

Happy anniversary T11! Thanks for some amazing products!
Congrats Peter! You were randomly chosen as the winner for this contest - please reach out to our support team with your details so we can get your prize out to you ASAP!

Thanks again to every single one of you for being a part of this wonderful community that we've all built together. We look forward to more amazing projects in the years to come - we're just getting started!
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