Saturday Night Contest - Toxic Technology


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys, hope you all are having a great start to the weekend! If you haven't seen already, we have some awesome effects that just went up on the Wire earlier this week. One of them is NON-TOXIC by Geraint Clarke, a strong effect using JUST a cell phone that generates powerful reactions.

This week's contest is inspired by that effect. The challenge is to create a NEW magic effect that, in some way, involves technology. You have 24 hours to make it happen: the deadline is tomorrow (Sunday, October 26th) at 7:30pm EST.

The rules are very simple: create a new effect for this contest that uses technology in some way, shape, or form. This can be an effect using a television, camera, cell phone, iPod, or even a wrist watch. As long as it has some technological element to it, the sky is the limit.

Make a video of your effect, upload it to YouTube or Vimeo, then post the link in response to THIS forum thread. Videos will be judged based on creativity, overall impact, and originality. Think outside the box! The winner will be announced tomorrow night, and will take home 1,000 Elite Member Points and a brick of TYCOON Playing Cards, shipped on the house anywhere in the world!

You have 24 hours to make it happen. Very excited to see your submissions!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Alright guys, time for the results!

We're going to get right to it. After going through all of the submissions, we narrowed our selection down to the video that showcased creativity, originality, and execution (our listed criteria). Not only did the winner accomplish those three, but he also performed his effect live for a spectator, which is always a huge plus in our book. With that said, we would like to congratulate Horvath Mate on taking home the prize! Congrats! Please send an email to our support crew and they will hook you up with your prize.

Thanks again to everyone else for entering this week. It was exciting to see what you all had come up with over the weekend! :)
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