Saturday Night Contest - Utilize the Elements

Aug 19, 2009
Here's my video:

It's a quick trick that shows how three of the elements are connected in a circle - earth (rock) changes to fire, fire changes to air, and air changes back to earth.

I had a wedding today so I got started late. It's a neat idea I will continue to explore. :)

Good luck to all!


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Awesome submissions tonight by everyone - some very creative thinking. I just got back from a late night dinner in NYC with Tony Chang and Ben Seidman, and Ben judged tonight's contest alongside myself. We were very impressed with a number of submissions, in particular the routining exhibited by several members tonight. As the challenge tonight involved a specific genre of materials, many of you applied routines well to those restrictions.

Tonight's prize, for overall impact and deceptive value, goes to th1rd.p3rson.limi7ed for his "creation of a card" routine. Congrats! We thought your routine was creative, deceptive, and memorable. Special thanks to everyone that submitted a video this evening, and have a great weekend! Some huge surprises in store for this coming week... stay tuned!
Why I keep missing the SNC?? :mad:
I guess around 7 hours of time differences are confusing enough for me to remember.
But actually, I don't really have an original/any idea yet for today's SNC. :D
Congrats for the winner. I do really like the idea (I think it was original enough).
Keep up all the good work guys.

The theory11 website works perfect with iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Not sure about other phones though. Maybe the Droids?

I know that it works with those things. I just wanted it to be so it's umm... ****.. go to like, or on your mobile device. I wanted it to have a similar layout, where there is less to load = less data to load for iphones = me happy :D
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