Saturday Night Contest - What's Inside the Box?

Jun 8, 2012
Hey everyone! It's Saturday night, and that means it's time for this week's Saturday Night Contest!

Below is a picture of a deck of White Monarchs. The mystery: how many cards are inside the box? It could be empty, it could be full, or anywhere in between. The answer is between 0 and 54. Your challenge tonight: predict the number of cards inside.

Post your guess below in response to THIS forum thread on or before 11:00pm EST tonight. Limit of ONE guess per member, so make it count.

The first person to correctly guess the amount of cards inside the box wins. The prize tonight: a sealed, new, unopened deck of White Monarch's, shipped on the house. Only one guess per member, so make it count. Good luck!


29 cards are in the box
0 Results