Saturday Night Contest - Where In The World?


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys, hope you all are having a great start to the weekend!

For this contest, I have written down the name of a dream vacation location that is NOT one of any locations chosen in past versions of this contest. You have ONE guess at the location. Post your guess below. The first person to correctly identify the location (or, if nobody guesses correctly, the closet guess geographically) will take home 1,000 Elite Points, and your choice of ANY 3 Decks currently in stock in our store.

Your only hint - It is a city, in a country, somewhere on planet Earth. The format of your answer should look like this: City, Country.

Get to it. You have until 11 PM EST tomorrow night. We will announce the winner after the deadline.

Good luck!


Elite Member
Feb 18, 2020
City in a country? But what if the city is the country! I'm sticking with it...Singapore!
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