My Biggest Accomplishment this year was bravely do some performance to a
stranger in street.First, I know magic since i was a child. There was a plenty of performance in TV. But I never know how it's done,
until I met a friend that bring a card into school and we discuss how it's done

. We start to make some trick, and the trick isn’t really so good, it's just use a simple double lift. We also find a trick to win in normal poker game like do some palming and do some little tricks to cheating our friend, it was a very fun moment and then I find a youtube channel that teach a basic of magic, I watch every video until I can do some cut and pass and I perform it in front of my family, and amazingly my family amaze with what I do and it's make me more confident to perform it to a stranger, then I start to buy a better card, but there’s no card shop here in my city so I
struggling do a trick with some cheap card until I find a online shop and buy a standard bicycle card (the shipping price is same with the price of the card ==") and that’s was my performance card until now.
In 2015, I'll try to save some money so I can buy some good card because my standard bicycle card was bending because I try to learn some spring xD and I will finish my second project for the wire. I will also try to win some
Have a nice holiday !