Saturday Night Contest - Year in Review

Apr 9, 2014
My biggest accompishment is getting back into magic. When I did I started learning the sybil cut and that introduced me to cardistry. From then on I started learning the basics and I just kept on getting better and better. When I look back to January, when I could just complete a charlier cut I realise I've come such a long way. I started designing my own deck of cards in October and to me it looks really nice.

In 2015 I'm aiming to create many cardistry videos and finish my deck and maybe even release it.

Happy New Year!


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2011
Cairo - Egypt
My biggest accomplishment this year was the first time I performed on stage it was at my college . I was a little nervous because there was more than 700 people there. The show was a great, after the standing ovation I got I felt like I was reborn again , I knew the true magic about stage and there is nothing can stop me from being a great magician from Egypt although there aren't lots of magicians here . I hope in 2015 I gain more experience , learn more from other magicians so I can perform on the greatest stages in my country ,spread the art of magic here and let the people give this art the respect it should get . I feel 2015 is going to be the year in which my life will change completely . I wish the best for all of you.
Dec 19, 2014
My Biggest Accomplishment this year was bravely do some performance to a stranger in street.First, I know magic since i was a child. There was a plenty of performance in TV. But I never know how it's done, until I met a friend that bring a card into school and we discuss how it's done :D . We start to make some trick, and the trick isn’t really so good, it's just use a simple double lift. We also find a trick to win in normal poker game like do some palming and do some little tricks to cheating our friend, it was a very fun moment and then I find a youtube channel that teach a basic of magic, I watch every video until I can do some cut and pass and I perform it in front of my family, and amazingly my family amaze with what I do and it's make me more confident to perform it to a stranger, then I start to buy a better card, but there’s no card shop here in my city so I struggling do a trick with some cheap card until I find a online shop and buy a standard bicycle card (the shipping price is same with the price of the card ==") and that’s was my performance card until now.

In 2015, I'll try to save some money so I can buy some good card because my standard bicycle card was bending because I try to learn some spring xD and I will finish my second project for the wire. I will also try to win some SNC xD

Have a nice holiday !


Elite Member
Oct 18, 2011
This year was the most important time for my magic learning... I started to practice lot of new techniques and, later I try to perfect those techniques... I think I've became a much better magician than last year, but at the same time I did realize that I'm really far away from perfection.
On 2015, I believe I going to keep improving my techniques and performances, but I would really like to try my best on a live magic show (something that I never did yet)... I'm having plans for that, but until now it's just a thought...

Good luck everyone on this 2015... Happy New Year you all theory11 and every magician on this forum :D


Elite Member
Feb 8, 2013
My greatest accomplishment this year was finally starting to see the hard work pay off and earn some money for my magic. Still not as much as I would like though.

My goal for next year is to be filled up with walk around shows and more gigs.
Oct 13, 2012
My greatest memory - my first performance after quite a long break. It felt amazing, it left long lasting impressions, those feeling keep me going.

What I hope to achieve - performing even more, polish my routines, develop new stories to tell


Elite Member
Jun 22, 2012
This year for me was just awful, because I didn't performed my magic at all. All what I did in this year - I learned a lot of tricks, that I am not going to use anyway. My goal was to find a job where I can show my magic, but I found nothing. This year was terrible and now I am really sad, because I realized that working as a magician is almost impossible.

My goal for next year..hmm..I thing that I don't have a goal, because my dream was to be a magician, but now I am grown up and I have to start thinking about a job..a real job that will gave me money. It is sad, but it is true. Sometimes dreams just don't come true. :(
Dec 9, 2013
The first thing that came to my mind of 2014 was the my presentation with some clown doctors on the Children Hospital of my city. I don't know if it was the greatest experience ever, but it surely filled me completely with love and security as a performer and as a person.
I'm thinking on repeat that experience on 2015 and several more times, but I also want to improve my magic and present a show by myself somewhere.
Happy New Year y'all. Hope you have a great 2015.


Elite Member
My biggest accomplishment this year was being able to get design work finished for a deck of cards I am creating. I hope to be able to raise a lot of money for a charity I like by selling this deck. Still a little work to do, but I love how far I've gotten in this past year!

In the year ahead, I hope to finish what I have left and hopefully successfully sell my cards so the charity "Let Them LOL" can get enough money for at least 1/3 of a well for Sierra Leone, Africa (it cost about $20,000 per well). This is very similar to Theory 11's team up with Charity:Water. I hope to be just as big an influence as they are by raising money for a great cause from selling a deck of cards!
Apr 24, 2014
This year my biggest achievement was performing to tables at a dinner and also performing on the streets
Feb 24, 2014
I got to show what cardistry is on local tv here in México, and also I got a gig on a famous theater here in México

My goal is to be an official artist with theory11, and start selling some of my tricks


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys, it's time for the results! It was incredibly inspiring to read about your accomplishments and the goals you set for yourselves this upcoming year. Cheers to all of you who continue to strive and push yourselves to the next level, whether it be magic, cardistry, or any personal goal. You all can achieve your goals with hard work and dedication!

We chose three members at random to take home the prize so our winners are blacklodgedew, IshaanM, and MrHurley! Each of you will receive 1,000 Elite Member Points and a deck of Black Edition Mystery Box Playing Cards. Please contact support with your details so we can get your prize out to you ASAP! Congrats!

Once again, thanks for sharing your accomplishments for this year and what you hope to achieve in 2015. We look forward to seeing your goals fulfilled! See you guys next year (this Saturday) for the first SNC of 2015. :)
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