Saturday Night Contest - Your Favorite!

May 30, 2020
My all time favorite deck or decks are the Monarchs. Monarchs have a very special place in my heart. When I started doing magic they were one of my original decks. Then as a started to really get into card I started to realize how nice and wonderful Monarchs are. After that I was confronted in a math class by a kid that I kind of knew. That kid that I didn’t really know incredibly well. But he asked me if he wanted to do the talent show at school, I agreed and was ready for what lied ahead. That from there turned into a friendship that has stayed strong. That friend is now my best friend. We did the talent show with multiple shows. He also shares my love on monarchs and have been the presents for multiple birthdays and Christmas’s. We are still best friends and plan on being for a long time. Monarchs are in my opinion very beautiful and amazing cards. I have done my best to get all the monarchs that I can afford. The only ones I don’t have are the white and gold monarchs. Which I have been saving for and doing woodworking to sell and safe for the other ones. I’m probably just rambling. I just wanna say that Monarchs and Theory 11 have helped me bond with family and friends and join community’s. They have helped me expand my card collection. Thank you so much.


Elite Member
Nov 26, 2017
Pretty tough to pick a favorite but if I had to go with only one deck, I'd go with the Copper Rarebit.

Starting with the tuck case, it is extremely elegant and classy, hands down. In terms of just comparing tuck cases alone, I think JAQK is the only one who can come close into the argument. As with most T11 decks, the embossing is very detailed and finely printed, you know Jay Fletcher and T11 did not mess around!

Then on to the cards, the back design is simply the inverted colors of the back tuck case, which I really dig when decks can pull that off. The copper color gives it a really unique vibe, it's not every day that you see a copper colored deck. Furthermore, every design of the card is fully customized, the artwork of each court card and pip are extremely mesmerizing. The slimness of the pips were an interesting take, especially during the earlier days of designing playing cards. Of course, as with every T11 deck, the quality of the cards are very nice but Rarebit is printed on a casino stock thus making them more durable than other standard or thinner decks, which is great for every day use especially card games with family and friends.

Lastly, the play on the word "Rarebit" is also quite cool in my opinion. Since Rarebit is pronounced like Rabbit, the court cards and jokers all have rabbits on them. There are even some carrots on the tuck case itself! :) Fine and small details all around, which is what I always appreciate.
May 30, 2020
This is a hard one for me because they all are so unique and beautiful.
I think my personnal favorite is the Contraband. I just love the amount of details on the tuck case and the back design.
They also have very classy jack, queen and kings and the aces are simply astonishing.
Easily one of my favorite deck in my collection and my favorite T11

markus ng

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
The White Centurions deck is a deck that I've been searching for really long as its a really rare deck. A few years ago, I managed to obtain one at a good price. It has since become a favourite of mine because of its rarity but also the design. Its housed in one of those prototype boxes wbich I find really cool, especially because it was produced so many years ago. I've never been able to open it but have seen videos and pictures on it on the internet which look beautifuo
Nov 29, 2019
Hey guys, hope everyone is having a great weekend! It's time for another chance to get your hands on a Variety Box!

This week, we want to hear directly from you: What is your all time favorite theory11 deck, and why? We've come a long way since 2007, with big things planned on the horizon in the near future. But for now, we want to hear which theory11 deck (old or new!) was the one that captured your attention and love the most. We are always taking in feedback and looking for ways to make each deck better than the last, so we want to hear directly from you!

All you have to do is post your response in THIS forum thread by no later than 11:00pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, May 31st. Once time is up, we will select one post at random and that person will take home this week's prize of 1,000 Elite Member Points and your very own Variety Box, filled with 12 decks of your choice that are currently featured on the page!

We look forward to hearing which deck is your favorite! In case you guys were wondering, the old-school Propagandas hold a special place in my heart :)

The Derren Brown decks are beautiful, but the deck that drew me in the most was my first, the Hudson. It is just stunning in its subtle details and looks like it came right out of an old time poker hall. Love it!
Jul 1, 2014
For me, it has to be the Monarchs V1. The design is classy and sophisticated. I always felt like I was holding a real piece of art whenever I used the deck. I love that red color of the box as well as the back of the cards. Sadly, later versions do not carry that and it's such a pity. It was also my first thin border deck and it was really great for Cardistry
Dec 21, 2013
I just recently picked up the light and dark side Star Wars Edition deck and love it. The face cards are gorgeous with their depiction of all the characters, and the cards themselves feel great to handle!


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
Bicycle Guardians.
2 decks.
May 15th, 2008.

Technically not my first Theory11 purchase. That was a deck of Black Split Spades playing cards, purchased April 19, 2008.

But still. The Guardians... I can remember the box, the bright white against dark art of it. The lettering. And the cards themselves. They felt like magic.

Like if Moses had been a magician, and presented the world with 52 paper tablets.

They were wonderful.
Dec 6, 2019
The Green Monarchs are the ones that make it to the top of my list. Ohhhhh man, I feel so classy when I take them out of my pocket to perform with them. Hell, I feel like a GANGSTER . I really think that the green monarchs speak to me!!


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2018
Tavern on the Green. The backs are nice, but the dual colored pips make this deck spectacular. The glint of gold during a spread is attention grabbing for card tricks. If I am playing card games with friends with this deck it elevates the entire experience. My friends who have never seen Theory 11 cards are absolutely blown out of the water with these. Inevitably, this allows me the opportunity to show off other Theory 11 decks I own. I have given all but 1 deck away of Tavern on the Green. Will continue to buy more of this particular deck. I never tire of working with it.

Alvin Herp

Elite Member
Jan 27, 2012
Having been a fan of theory11 since I first knew of them about 10 years ago, I find it hard to pick just one favorite theory11 deck. But maybe I'll just choose Voyager. Apart from the top notch quality, Voyager features stunning artwork that depicts just the spirit of adventure I am a fan of.
Dec 5, 2019
It’s definitely going to have to be the Guardians deck!!! I loved everything about its, from the backs, to the jokers and an amazing ace of spades. I performed with this deck for as long as a I possible could. I’m so happy that they’re not a scarce deck and I can continue to purchase them and keep a stock on hand in my collection. Thanks Theory 11!!! Good luck guys!!!
Jun 30, 2018
my favourite theory11 deck has got to be the Monarchs. it was my first ever deck i bought when i first started getting into magic, so it has a special place in my heart. the quality of the deck was superb, even though i live in a country that is very humid ( and could cause cards to warp and all that stuff), these cards still handle really great! in fact, i can say that they have gotten better over the years! :)
Feb 12, 2018
For me I think its the Monarchs, the first one i got was the Gold Monarchs!! :) Loved how beautiful that gold tuck case and the embossing looked! I also like the JAQK Amethyst Edition! It looks and feels like a really premium deck
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