Saturday Night Contest - 'Your' Guardian Flourish


theory11 artist
Welcome to a very special SNC, as hosted by your favourite card villain [me.]

Want to win a deck of Brown Wynn Playing Cards AND a deck of White Centurion Playing cards? Of course you do. Here's what you have to do to get your hands on them...

One of my personal favourite flourishes from my Dangerous DVD is 'Guardian.' It's a very beautiful and simple 3-packet flourish. To get your hands on these rare decks, I want to see a variation, modification or extension of the Guardian flourish [your flourish must begin, end or in some way include Guardian but I will also accept flourishes 'inspired by' Guardian as valid entries.]

Some of you may already know the flourish from the DVD, but fear not to those who don't as it is taught at the end of the SNC video [HERE]

You have 24 hours from now to submit your entries as responses to this forum post. I'll hand-pick the winner myself and make the announcement this time tomorrow. [7.30pm EST 29 May 2011]
Good luck, and Tally-ho.


UPDATE :: Winner has been posted! Check out the results here.


Elite Member
Jan 12, 2011
When you posted this thread a couple minutes ago the video was password protected but i guessed it in 3 tries haha. Anyways, are we allowed to submit more than 1 variation?
Dec 20, 2009
Wow that is one confusing flourish... Also, why is this a sticky? I had trouble finding it because I didn't expect it at the top lol...
May 28, 2011

I have some question:
(1). May we post 2 variation in one submition? so there are alternate variation in one video I mean.

(2). what is the strong point?
  1. a. the creativity (it means doesnt matter about the smooth of the move and artwork)
  2. b. the move,
  3. c. film artwork
  4. d. or all of it (three above) :D
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Jan 12, 2011
Southern England
Loving that its an englishman doing the SNC and its been given 24hours to complete, because lets face it us english are all quite drunk now at, even though my taxi driver told me im the most sober person he has picked up tonight, i am so not sober enough for this!
Hi d+M,
Love to see you "back"! :D
I have a similar question with Sleight.
Is it about the creativity or does it have to be smooth?
-I mean because we basically creating "new" concept,so maybe it takes some time to smoothen the flourish, especially if you didn't use to the Guardian flourish.
Anyway, this is one of the SNC that I'm going to join because its 24h,so I have some time to prepare.
Good luck to all of you.



theory11 artist
I don't mind seeing more than one submission, as long as they're in the same video.
24 hours isn't long to complete such a task so I'm not necessarily looking for the smoothest, I'm interested in creativity, to see who can take something and make it their own.

I have some question:
(1). May we post 2 variation in one submition? so there are alternate variation in one video I mean.

(2). what is the strong point?
  1. a. the creativity (it means doesnt matter about the smooth of the move and artwork)
  2. b. the move,
  3. c. film artwork
  4. d. or all of it (three above) :D
May 29, 2011
Moscow, Russia
My first comment, my first entry, my first contest!
So here it is, hope you enjoy it:


And good luck to all participants!
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