Saturday Night Contest - Your Skills on Display


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
With only one week remaining until the release of GENESIS v1 by Andrei Jikh, we thought a cardistry video challenge would be fitting. Tonight's Saturday Night Contest focuses on one aspect of the art - displays.

Tonight's goal is to create a cardistry video demonstrating a original and unique display - preferably one created solely for this contest. The display can involve as many cards and packets as you'd like, but you MUST be able to form the display from the original starting position (the deck held in a grip) as well as fully close it, in view of the camera.

All submissions should be uploaded to either YouTube, Vimeo, or and must be posted here on or before 11:00pm EST tonight - for judging by Andrei. The creator of the display we feel is most unique (and most bad ass) will win a copy of GENESIS v1, entirely on the house.

Let's see those skillz...
With only one week remaining until the release of GENESIS v1 by Andrei Jikh, we thought a cardistry video challenge would be fitting. Tonight's Saturday Night Contest focuses on one aspect of the art - displays.

Tonight's goal is to create a cardistry video demonstrating a original and unique display - preferably one created solely for this contest. The display can involve as many cards and packets as you'd like, but you MUST be able to form the display from the original starting position (the deck held in a grip) as well as fully close it, in view of the camera.

All submissions should be uploaded to either YouTube, Vimeo, or and must be posted here on or before 11:00pm EST tonight - for judging by Andrei. The creator of the display we feel is most unique (and most bad ass) will win a copy of GENESIS v1, entirely on the house.

Let's see those skillz...

SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This SNC is gonna be SEXY!!!!!!!!!!:p
May 31, 2008
Here is my entry:

NOTE: I am a beginner cardist, therefore the speed isnt that high. haha. However, it is indeed an original idea, and I hope you like it. I was experimenting with fades and stuff. And by the title, Telescopic Split, it will have something to do with a telescope look. Hope you enjoy.


The video is not available in my country due to copyright restrictions.

That's a problem since I'm in the same country as
Here is my entry:

NOTE: I am a beginner cardist, therefore the speed isnt that high. haha. However, it is indeed an original idea, and I hope you like it. I was experimenting with fades and stuff. And by the title, Telescopic Split, it will have something to do with a telescope look. Hope you enjoy.


Your video is not allowed in the country (I live in the United States) because of copyriht restrictions. Says the link......
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