Saturday Night Roundtable - Calen Morelli


Elite Member
Jul 9, 2012
hi calen.

1. so how you create such an amazing effect with props around you? hows is your creative process?
2. what's keep motivate you to create amazing effects?
3. when you invent something, do you always test it to real audiences if this trick really works?


Elite Member
May 14, 2011
Atlanta, GA
1) Did your creative process change from creating close-up effects on your own during your 365 project, to working with a team of consultants and creating stage illusions for David Copperfield?

2) You've certainly created a lot of magic. How do you decide what effects to keep working on and release, or give to someone else to use, like the card to ceiling for David Blaine's special?

3) Will you ever go back and try to finish your 365 project?

Thanks Calen! You're truly one of the most creative thinkers in magic today and the future of magic is bright with guys like you leading the way!
Oct 18, 2014
Hello Calen!
1. What inspired you to make a ring effect?
2. How do you prevent yourself from getting burnt out while creating effects and gimmicks?
3. Do you like staying at your house while working on a new idea or do you like going to, for example, a coffee shop?
Jun 21, 2016
1) How long had you been doing magic before you made the first effect you're proud of?
2) How do you deal with the awkwardness of botching a trick?
3) What is your preferred crowd size and venue?

ODYSSEY is a SERIOUSLY impressive trick. Good job and major thanks for sharing!
Hello Calen!
1. What do you feel is the biggest problem facing the magic industry today?
2. You said you recently went through a phase where you were unmotivated and not as passionate about magic, what do you think caused this and how did you work through it?
3. How did growing up on your grandparents farm in Oregon affect you as a creator?

Thank you for sharing your wonderful creations. I am a huge fan of Dresscode, Function 9, Quantum Space, and now Odyssey!


Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
1. You released a trick called transit, a few years back, which looks quite similar to odyssey visually, but it was done with a rubber band, so is Odyssey an inspiration from transit?

2. How similar/ different Odyssey is, from transit?

3.Why haven't we seen Calen Morelli on fool us or America's got talent so far, any future plans for appearing on any of the two shows?
Dec 31, 2015
Hello Calen!
1) What was the greatest challenge when you began learning magic?
2) What is the biggest mistake you see magicians making today?
3) What would you say is the most important trait (patience, attention to detail, being humble, etc.) to have as a magician?
Jul 13, 2013
1. How did the nickname Mini-momo originated?
2. When consulting for David Copperfield, how did yourself, Blake and Patrick feed off of each other's strength and weaknesses to create something new/ solve problems?
3.What advice would you give to young creators who look up to you and want to achieve something bigger in the industry?



Elite Member
Apr 28, 2014
I was expecting a Fake Reveal contest, but I do have some questions for Calen!

1. When it comes to creating new effects, do you find the method first and then create the effect or have an effect in mind and then find the method?

2. Being as young as you are, how important do you think your '365 days of magic' affect your present (consulting, working with major companies etc.)?

3. After seeing Odyssey, I was wondering if it showed an evolution in your magic (method-wise and effect-wise)?

Dec 30, 2014
1-when did you start performing street magic?

2-How to you think of these really creative methods and how long does it normally take to get a draft of the effect down.

3- do you think that you cold think of a method to change an apple into a banana visually?

Thanks Toby

Gabriel Z.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Hi Calen,

Not really into ring magic but here are my three questions.

1) Can you give us a quick rundown of your productive moments throughout any given day?
2)Have you ever had a dream about something related to magic and if so what was the dream about?
3)Would you tell someone completely new to magic to purchase your effect simply to benefit your agenda, or would you tell them to get a grasp on the basics first then try your effect irrespective of whether it is simple or not? (For example buying the latest effect in card magic before reading The Royal Road to Card Magic)
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