Saturday Night Roundtable - Jason England


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Hope everyone is having a great weekend! For tonight's contest, we're hosting a roundtable discussion podcast. Each time we do this, we invite an artist to join us in a podcast answering YOUR questions, posted by members around the world.

As mentioned on Exposé over the past few weeks, we're about to release a project that we've pursued for the past 6 years. In the world of magic, there are still many secrets that remain closely guarded. One of those secrets will be unearthed soon, and we're incredibly excited to share it with you, in collaboration with Jason England.

In light of that, our guest this week on the podcast is Jason England: one of the most skilled card technicians alive today. Use this opportunity to post ANY question you desire for Jason to answer within the podcast. We'll get to as many questions as we can during the session - and you can ask about whatever you'd like, from tips to techniques and even questions about magic history, pulling from Jason's wealth of knowledge in the world of magic.

Questions must be posted in response to this forum thread on or before 7:30pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, May 3rd. Limit of THREE questions per member, so make 'em count. This is an amazing opportunity to gain advice and insight from one of magic's most accomplished and respected card technicians, so I'd encourage everyone to make the most of it!

One random member whose question is asked during the podcast will take home 1,000 Elite Member Points and a deck of playing cards signed by Jason England - shipped on the house. Excited about this month and looking forward to hearing your questions!
Dec 30, 2014
My Questions
What got you into magic?
What Trick gets you the best reactions?
What are some tips on how to perform better as a magician?



Elite Member
Mar 3, 2012
1. You're on a dessert island, you're allowed one deck of cards and one book; what book would that be?
2. Is there an interesting story behind how Paul Wilson and yourself met?

3. Now let's get to the real questions; everyone has there own recipe for omelette's, what is the Jason England secret ingredient?
Dec 31, 2014
1. What is the hardest move for you to do?
2. Have you ever been completely fooled by any other card technicians?
3. Have you ever destroyed a card (torn, burned, eaten, etc.) to get good reactions to a trick?
Don't think that it's weird to eat a card, Blake Vogt does it all the time.
Dec 30, 2014
1.How to you recommend to practice sleights and tricks that you just learnt?

2.How often do you create your own tricks/moves and how do you create them?

3.If you had to perform one trick for the rest of your life, what would that one trick be?


Dec 13, 2013
Ohio, USA
1. What is the purpose of magic?
2. What is the #1 time that you messed up big in front of many many people, and what was it like?
3. What strives magic/magicians to continue the art, and get better?
Sep 16, 2011
1. What is the most important sleight to master?
2. Where do you think is the best environment to perform Close-up?
3. If you could go back and change one thing you did relating to magic, what would it be?(ex. go to a convention, buy a book before it went out of print...)


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
1. Have you seen it all or is there still "magic" you haven't figured out?
2. Are there any secrets you will never tell another soul?
3. Mayweather or Pacquiao?
Nov 9, 2013
How do you name the sleights that you create?
Do you ever feel "obligated" to perform for friends/family?
Why do you still do magic?
Oct 17, 2014
1. What keeps your passion for magic alive?
2. What made you pursue the card gambling and sleight-of-hand side of magic rather than stage-illusion or etc.?
3. How did you meet your wife Joy?
(I am sorry that the last question is a bit creepy.)
May 2, 2015
1) Do you prefer card table/gambling magic or street magic?
2) How old were you when you first started magic?
3) What is the best book for card cheating?

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
1) This project that is about to be released. Considering that it was very close-to-the-chest for those in the know; why is it being unveiled to us now?
2) What do you feel is an element that magicians need to put more focus into in performing?
3) What bad habits do magicians do today that new amateurs should avoid?
Dec 5, 2014
1. Aside from magic what did you do for leaving?
2. In the middle of the show, sometimes I forgot the trick I will performed, how could you manage to memorize all the tricks that you've learned?
3. Who inspires you to be a magician?
Dec 17, 2013
1.) What kind of person were you in high school?
2.) Favorite subject in school?
3.) Favorite ice cream flavor?
Mar 7, 2015
1. How often do you perform, and in which situations?
2. What steps do you take to help yourself master a sleight?
3. What is your style of performing?
Dec 6, 2014
1) How did you get into magic
2) Where did your get the inspiration or ideas to make a new move ?
3) Can you tell me how many books did you read and what are some of the best books you have read ?


Elite Member
Feb 17, 2013
If you had to pick ONE must-read book dealing with the persentational and dramatic aspects of performance that isn't Ortiz's Strong Magic, which one would it be?

Also, have you ever witnessed/aided (and dare I ask -used) deception at the card table in a real game? If so what were the circumstances and the denouement?


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
NE Ohio.
1. To what extent should magicians study magic history? How should they use it to better their magic?
2. What is your favorite magic memory?
3. Should all card magicians study and/or practice tabled card work?

Khaleel Olaiky

Elite Member
Aug 31, 2013
I have only one question which is .... Do you recommend turning magic to a business? or just stick with it as something i do for fun in my free time?


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2014
1. For sleight of hands, is dexterity or speed more important? Or not at all?

2. For some, the science/physics leads the magic, and for others the other way around. Which do you believe if they are connected?

3. What is one of your favorite color schemes?
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