Shirt messages

Sep 1, 2007
Heres an idea I'm surprised no one has said yet.

Do some kind of revelation. A card value and its suit or write like "You chose the 8 of Diamonds" or something of that sort. And while they are looking at it you can do something with the actual card and reveal it from your pocket or another place.

But if you don't want to do that i think the best one was "This is Misdirection" that was said earlier. That would be cool on a shirt.


theory11 moderator
The revelation idea has been used on the vast majority of magic shirts in the past - When Ellusionist brought out their first shirt years ago with "Disturb Reality" on it there was a revelation INSIDE the shirt under the shoulder!

Then you have the revelations shirt by Sankey which came out recently and there's lots of others to - have a look around.. I feel it's a bit gimmicky though.

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