Yes, I am Raphael, the same one. All I have to say is:
GEEEZ, you guys are already worst than the people on the E forums.
First, don't listen to tavio, he was a user at LMT that I had to ban due to his spamming and inappropriate language, and his making of several accounts.
Next myth, I am not the person behind LMT, I am just a super moderator, as why I am not an admin. The person you want is Dave J. Castle
Final myth, I am not one of the ones at LMT that illegally uploads, you can look at every single post of mine, I have not posted one link that is illegal, not one.
The only reason why I am on LMT is for the conversation, not the links. An example, the people with many posts on the E forums are not there for the advice, but more of the conversation, and maybe give a couple tips, same here.
Seriously, look at every single post of mine, there is not one, no, not one post where I did anything illegal, or provided an illegal link to download or watch copyrighted material, also, if you had the ability, you could look through all of my PMs, and again, I am clean.
I hope some of you users are understanding, how would you feel if I told you you had no life because you had 200 posts in a forum that has been online for a few days?