Soooooo Frustrating

Sep 1, 2007
My current care factor upon reading this is smaller than a midget.

Dimensional analysis fail!

Anyway, Jo_Vision, I sympathise with you because your problem is an annoying one. If I'm going to do a trick with a colour change I like to cull a few cards so I have a block of red and a block of black which can then be faroed to create a block of cards in red black order. You can do this with the whole pack if you like, but it's not necessary. Then when working with cards from this block, you are pretty much guaranteed a nice contrast with most changes.

Anyway, I thought I would try and post something slightly constructive since so many people seem unable to. Just remember, you don't have to post in every single thread. If you don't like it, ignore it and leave it for those who might be getting something out of it.

Aug 3, 2009
Dimensional analysis fail!

Anyway, Jo_Vision, I sympathise with you because your problem is an annoying one. If I'm going to do a trick with a colour change I like to cull a few cards so I have a block of red and a block of black which can then be faroed to create a block of cards in red black order. You can do this with the whole pack if you like, but it's not necessary. Then when working with cards from this block, you are pretty much guaranteed a nice contrast with most changes.

Anyway, I thought I would try and post something slightly constructive since so many people seem unable to. Just remember, you don't have to post in every single thread. If you don't like it, ignore it and leave it for those who might be getting something out of it.


Oh my God, thank you. Good idea to by the way i will have to use that.
May 8, 2008
Cumbria, UK
And a question on your "observation" - what magician shows just a colour change they've newly learned to laymen?

You are recording a video or showing someone a new color change that you learned and you end up changing a 4 of spades into a 4 of clubs or any 2 cards of the same value and color and they look at you as if to say what the f**k just happened, you didnt do anything.

Actually, he says 'a new colour change that you learned', which means something entirely different to 'a newly learned colour change'.

And I think that's a ridiculous suggestion. I have a right to say my opinion and in my honest opinion this is about as useless as a thread can get. I have a right to dislike and/or disagree with what you say, and if you think that I can't express it then I suggest you reconsider your view on human rights, for one.

Yes, you have a right to, fair enough. But did you need to? Really, was there anything to be gained by telling him that you didn't care? Surely you could just have passed on without posting and left everyone else to make their own minds up. I normally have a lot of respect for you and your threads, but this just seemed a bit of an unneeded attempt at putting somebody down to me.

In context of the original thread, I had the two black fours together, but that's it. I've never really had a problem with this, to be honest. In fact I think it's only ever happened once in a performance, and it didn't change the overall effect at all. I think sciffydof is right, if they don't notice it then they're not paying too much attention. One way you could remedy this is to ask them to name the card you're holding right before doing the change. However this won't remedy the whole performance. Try and get the audience involved a little more. Of course, this is coming without having seen your performances, so it might be completely obsolete.
Aug 3, 2009
Thats a good idea about having them name the card. I point this out only because there a lot of times even for me when i will look at a card I think to myself "black four" or something like that. I havent had this happen to me in an actual performance, becuase i havent had many. Usually only when i am practicing in front of my girlfriend or parents has it been a problem. Thanks for the advice though and the support as well.
Sep 1, 2007
My current care factor upon reading this is smaller than a midget.

"Midget" is offensive to most dwarfs, which is the more polite way to say it. Pretty ignorant and a waste of about 13 seconds of your time to post that.

Anyways, yes I do hate when that happens... they are like... I didn't see anything happen, and usually whenever you do that it's like the best color change you've ever done haha.


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2007
I do find strange that the best reaction from color change for me is generally 1. suit stayed the same and the value change is minimal (i.e. 2 to 3/ 7 to 8) or 2. just suit changing (value stays the same) regardless of the color. Granted red to black makes shocking visual, however black to black also has nice double take moment where they can't believe what had just happened.

So I'd say don't just perform color change as a stand alone but rather put it into a routine where you've failed and when they relax, change happens. Routining helps audience to focus.

I don't know if this means anything, but I thought some people may find it helpful.
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