Spin | Matt Sconce


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Here is my performance of SPIN. I thought you guys might want to see this. For the the people who think you can't SPIN a butcher's knife, think again. I make one SPIN!


Like Matt said, you never come in contact with the object whatsoever. It's pure Psychokinetic Energy you exert. It's fantastic! Thanks Matt for your wonderful release!




Jan 11, 2008
And more praise for 'Spin':


I like SPIN!!!
EASY and amazing, great effect!!!
Great download!!!
Great instructions!!!


Hi Matthew
I ve tried with a paintbrush and it spins regularly.
also a screwdriver spins!!!
I tell you again great job really!
workable,nice to do ,nice to see and always available!

Hi to everyone, hi Matthew.
try also with a bic or equivalent lighter !
it spins and then make it fall down

I really love this effect :) it FEELS like you're performing real magic.

Matt, you really were onto something with this. This effect reminds me of why I got into magic in the first place. It takes me back...

Thanks for releasing this. I will have so much fun performing this, time and time again.

Mind Melter


Jan 11, 2008
And some more praise for 'Spin':

Wow! I have tried this where the spectator makes the pen spin. I wasn't sure how to do it at first but with the right items the spectator can make the spin motion and the pen spins a couple times around! you don't even need to be near the spectator when it happens. just say make a spinning motion around the pen and the pen starts to spin around 2 or 3 times, falls to the table, and the spectator freaks out!



Ok so story performing Spin. Just came back from the bar recently and performed Spin. I borrowed a Bic pen from the bar and borrowed someone's chapstick and balanced the ready to go pen on the chapstick. I sat a good 3 seats from the chapstick at this point. I asked a young woman if she wanted to help me do the trick so I told her to make a spinning motion with her fingers. I told her she was a pro. She approached the pen and made a spinning motion on top of the pen. The pen started spinning like crazy and did almost 3 loops on one motion. The crowd went wild. I eventually approached the pen and did some pro spinning and got the pen to fall off onto the table. Crowd of 20ish went completely wild. One of the greatest bar magic performances of my life! Doing this trick, or better yet having a spectator do the trick, feels like real magic!


I recommend this to all pk improptu lovers!!!
when the spectator thinks to have the solution in his hands is wrong again.
this is SPIN a great improptu effect taken to the highest level of beauty by the mind of matthew!!
10/10 rate
I do everywhere!!
wait for your next creation
markhitton and the magic scarecrow


Jan 11, 2008
I was at a birthday party the other day and there was a very long and large cutting knife. I picked it up, prepared it then called everyone's attention to it as I set it on top of a smooth surface (Large sparkling water bottle with metal cap)
I used the force start and slowly...slowly, the knife began to move. It built up speed and after several rotations, I dropped my hands to my side as the knife continued to spin through 2 more revolutions with my hands nowhere near it. That is what you can do when you use the force start, move larger items, and set them free. practice it until you believe it yourself, then you are ready to perform it. -Matt

Another great story, Matt! I bet the reactions were 'out of this world'! :)

Keep up the good work, Matt!


Jan 11, 2008
And more praise for 'Spin':


Just like to add, I have mastered the spinning pen, but today for the first time I made a large butchers knife move.. WOW, it looks so spooky!!

Thanks for releasing 'SPIN'

I have had PENomenon for years but never realized it's true potential

I am fast becoming a PK nut!

Chris (UK)

Matt has powered up pk effect to the highest improptu level.
every time I do the effects I discover new potentialities.
I agree with bond19.
thanks Matthew for your improvements.
Sep 3, 2007
I still cannot get it to work. Could someone PM me to help out? I'm doing everything taught in the DVD. Maybe I'm not "built" correctly for it?
Sep 3, 2007
Thanks Matt. I'll try it how you recommend but I have had no success whatsoever. No movement at all. I'll try with some of your tips and let you know.

Nov 5, 2007
Here is a great recent comment about SPIN. It made my day. Enjoy! -Matt Sconce

I have to say that of all the effects and tricks I know, Spin constantly gets me the best reactions. Specs who see me perform all the time constantly say something along the lines of "that last trick you did was amazing, but I just know there is something sneaky I'm not seeing. But THIS one (Spin) is real magic. You are a real magician." I even had someone ask me if I had a spirit helper! And the best part of Spin is, it is totally impromptu. It can be done just about anywhere in any situation. I love it. I've said it before and I'll say it again....thanks Matt for this one...it's fantastic!
Nov 5, 2007
Here is a GREAT story and review from a skeptical buyer of SPIN that was posted on the cafe. Enjoy! -Matt Sconce

On 2010-04-11 20:40, DeWayne wrote:
Just got back from a convention where my son and I purchased the Spin DVD (directly from Paper Crane booth) after seeing it demonstrated with a huge vacuum nozzle attachment. The rest of the weekend I'm just thinking "too good to be true". Got home late my son went straight to bed, I stayed up and watched half the DVD. After the first 7 minutes I'm thinking I've been suckered. Then I pick up the bottle of nail polish sitting on my coffee table and the pen they gave us at the convention. Badda bing...first try. I amazed myself! Spinning just like the video. I go to bed. Show my son (this kind of thing is more up his alley) first thing when he gets up. His jaw drops! We discuss wether I'm going to show him or he's going to watch the DVD. He wins, I show him what to do (after I only watched 1/2 the DVD the night before). He's doing it in minutes. About 10 minutes later he shows it to his mom using a full two liter of Mt. DeW and a pen off his dresser. This is a woman who has been our guinea pig for new stuff for twenty five years. She has no problem busting our chops when she sees stuff. SPIN - NOT A CLUE! My son had it going so long I told him to stop before he gave the method away. She still didn't know. My son says, "I feel like I really have magical powers".

I only post this as I really did feel like there was NO WAY this DVD was coming close to the copy. It was my "long shot" purchase at the convention. The ad copy actually bugged me enough to stay up to see the method. The long shot paid off...it's one of our winning things from this convention.

Thankyou for the in depth review. I enjoyed reading it and hearing the story of the performance. Thanks! -Matt Sconce
Hey matt, I told Shane that when i first got it, I missed work and nearly missed class as well....

The effect is awesome man, You, Shun, and Shane all came with some stuff i do everyday, As a matter of fact. I'm doing an presentation at the university in "how to use ordinary object to achieve extraordinary things". Spin is my go-to effect in all of my routines now.... the perfect effect I've ran across in a LONG time.

At first i thought i couldn't get it. I did have to change one thing that you didn't cover. And quite frankly, i think the ones who don't get it to spin needs to you...I'll shoot you a PM.

Now I'm spinning people's credit cards on a daily basis. And it kills man. I even got an gig by the manager seeing me perform spin. And the cleanup, is freak in sweet. Dude.

Thanks for the release.
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