Starting a YouTube Channel

Dec 22, 2017
South West England
Hey, so I've been doing magic for around 11 years now and I've only just though about starting a YouTube channel about magic. No tutorials but lessons learnt from actually going out and performing. Such as heckler management, how to work your angles, how to get out and start performing ASAP without spoiling the integrity of the trick.
How does this sound to the community? Obviously it's aimed at beginners in performing but I believe i have a lot of knowledge that could be given which would save people countless hours of disappointment which could dispel them from magic.
Please honestly let me know your thoughts!
Nov 27, 2017
Its sounds great, but in my opinion magic is for those who can spend those hours you do ! Making "easy" to everybody, giving all the precious keys we've figured out during hard work in the years will make this art going a really bad way I guess. Even there are toooo many stuff out there, but of course the really deep secrets are still kept safe (its btw a miracle).

So great idea, and it is good to educate a new generation in magic, and of course more pro magicians out there is good, but we have to stay balance I think. Btw the idea is amazing, and should do it, its your decision. My thoughts are just a short meditation, dont take it too serious :)

But maybe we all wanna see your art, and work, never reveal any secret :) And from the greatest minds we know the real secrets in magic are not exactly the methods , but the HOW, the performance, right exactly what you wanna share, THE EXPERIENCE !!! This is what a good wizard have :) And a novice and all garbage performances not out there. Of course we all was novices, but the journey, the road you know… this 11 years :) And In my opinion, maybe it cant be teached ! Or learned ! It is in one hand TALENT, and on the other PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, and this way cant be sorthened with any advice, or video, but yeah…

:) :) :)


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I think it depends on your motivation, really.

Since YouTube changed their monetization rules, it's significantly more difficult to make any kind of money off a YT channel now. So if you think it'll earn you a side income worth thinking about, maybe not a good plan.

If you're thinking it might help you get more gigs - booking agents don't care about performance theory. If you have a channel full of theory videos it may actually hurt you in their eyes, as they are only interested in making sure they're purchasing/booking a good product.

If you're thinking it will improve your standing in the magic community - maybe a little? Doubtful, though. The majority of magicians are casual performers. That's just a fact - there are far more people who know a few magic tricks and perform at the bar or parties than people who take it seriously. The casual performers don't really care about the theory and philosophy.

So what it comes down to is this - if you're just really wanting to create this project and doing so will be satisfying in and of itself, go for it. But if you're wanting some other compensation from creating the videos you need to understand that you'll have to make a plan that addresses those desires specifically, which is realistic to the current state of the magic community.
May 3, 2018
New Mexico
Ask yourself why you want to have a channel.
Hey, so I've been doing magic for around 11 years now and I've only just though about starting a YouTube channel about magic. No tutorials but lessons learnt from actually going out and performing. Such as heckler management, how to work your angles, how to get out and start performing ASAP without spoiling the integrity of the trick.
How does this sound to the community? Obviously it's aimed at beginners in performing but I believe i have a lot of knowledge that could be given which would save people countless hours of disappointment which could dispel them from magic.
Please honestly let me know your thoughts!
Maybe post a small video of a simple effect for us to see. I am very interested in what you’re doing, but I don’t know you well enough to say ....keep doing it.....
Dec 22, 2017
South West England
I think it depends on your motivation, really.

Since YouTube changed their monetization rules, it's significantly more difficult to make any kind of money off a YT channel now. So if you think it'll earn you a side income worth thinking about, maybe not a good plan.

If you're thinking it might help you get more gigs - booking agents don't care about performance theory. If you have a channel full of theory videos it may actually hurt you in their eyes, as they are only interested in making sure they're purchasing/booking a good product.

If you're thinking it will improve your standing in the magic community - maybe a little? Doubtful, though. The majority of magicians are casual performers. That's just a fact - there are far more people who know a few magic tricks and perform at the bar or parties than people who take it seriously. The casual performers don't really care about the theory and philosophy.

So what it comes down to is this - if you're just really wanting to create this project and doing so will be satisfying in and of itself, go for it. But if you're wanting some other compensation from creating the videos you need to understand that you'll have to make a plan that addresses those desires specifically, which is realistic to the current state of the magic community.
For me it's not a money thing as magic isn't my full time job. It would be more of an outlet for my thoughts and ideas. Do I want to become a massive YouTuber? No. But if I can help even just a handful of people, that in other circumstances would never be able to see me, then id be content with that.
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Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
Hey, so I've been doing magic for around 11 years now and I've only just though about starting a YouTube channel about magic. No tutorials but lessons learnt from actually going out and performing. Such as heckler management, how to work your angles, how to get out and start performing ASAP without spoiling the integrity of the trick.
How does this sound to the community? Obviously it's aimed at beginners in performing but I believe i have a lot of knowledge that could be given which would save people countless hours of disappointment which could dispel them from magic.
Please honestly let me know your thoughts!
This sounds great! This is essentially what my channel aims to do. I have a “advice for magicians” segment that essentially does what you are talking about. Would be nice to have another voice to hear and maybe we could even do a video or two as a collab tonget your channel going. One thing I would do before you get started is study how the YT algorithm works. It will help get your channel growth especially in the beginning. Also I would suggest having at least 15-20 videos lined up and ready to go so that if you fall behind you have those videos there to catch up on. Haha I learned all this the hard way and wish I would have done more research into YT before throwing videos up randomly haha
Dec 22, 2017
South West England
This sounds great! This is essentially what my channel aims to do. I have a “advice for magicians” segment that essentially does what you are talking about. Would be nice to have another voice to hear and maybe we could even do a video or two as a collab tonget your channel going. One thing I would do before you get started is study how the YT algorithm works. It will help get your channel growth especially in the beginning. Also I would suggest having at least 15-20 videos lined up and ready to go so that if you fall behind you have those videos there to catch up on. Haha I learned all this the hard way and wish I would have done more research into YT before throwing videos up randomly haha
Whoa man cheers for the great advice! I'll definitely make sure I research into first. Thanks for the heads up. A collaboration would be amazing too!
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