Its pointless trying to get him to stop.
When he left months ago,many other people did too.
He actually kept this place from wallowing in complacency and mediocrity.
Do you even listen to yourself anymore?
I find that you talking about complacency is quite ironic.
What you just suggested is this: When a member left people followed suit, and ever since that person left it has been nothing but jackoffery, and low quality. Since you have been a part of this forum and actively participating on it while steer has been gone, that makes you just as bad as everyone else apparently.
In my opinion you are wallowing not in mediocrity but self importance, and that is what I realized leaves a bitter taste in my mouth when I read most if not all of your posts.
Steerpike has actually earned his place here and should be allowed to speak the way he does. Besides,he at least makes you laugh. Ever read those bad attempts of insults by keoke?
What the **** man? Are you trying to instigate something by that last comment? Because I have admitted to some on the forum, that thread was an absolute Travesty. How about you let that thread go and focus on jacking off steerpike's cock--y shaft of truth? I am just saying your doing a lot of sucking up and defending him when he obviously doesn't need to be defended. He has earned the right to speak his mind? Wow I guess I did as well since I called your parental figures w****s and said general vulgarities and still be able to type this out explaining all of this to you. Take a hint.
Also by acknowledging that I was throwing insults at you, makes your argument that no one cared, null and void, because obviously you cared.
I remember an old saying made by RDC, I am going to change it a bit from my current observations:
Steerpike is to Visual Artists as MLB is to Andrei