i kinda find that offensive. especially if your insinuating im some "kiddie" and im not knocking the product itself. I just do not see the point of paying all that money for something that will barely enhance the routine. The presentation looked practically identical to the original. Also im sick of people talking about "workers" buying this. Workers, dont become successful by spending unneccesarily on gimmick and products. Why spend such a large amount when you could just do the original? I have a Schoolcraft set that i use for gigs, yes they are amazingly made, but its a dean's set. A shell is something that isn't as easily replicated with sleight of hand, 3fly vs Superfly isnt' as big of a leap. I think the "working pro's" your talking about are the truly famous and successful that have expendable funds. Im not knocking the product itself, im sure they are amazing coins, i just think they should showcase other uses, otherwise i dont think a slightly cleaner original 3fly is worth that much.