t11.bulletin : Essential Magic Conference - What You Need to Know


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I think psychologists could study Facebook and what makes it so addicting to gain new insight into the human mind. Then we, as magicians, could exploit that in our acts to get people to watch us constantly.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
It's a form of socializing that doesn't involve the actual risk of socializing with real people. It's a lot easier to try talking to people you can't see. Also, for some people, it gives them a way to keep tabs on people that otherwise they'd never see or talk to.

Admittedly, I have my facebook open all the time when I'm on the computer, which is probably more than I should be. I use it to keep up on a lot of magician-goings-on, as well as my friends back home.
In all honesty magic has taken a backseat in my life recently, I've been doing lots of things and finding what my passion is, and isn't.

However, with this my interest has been sparked once again. $75 for all of this? I'm more than willing to part with that for a DVD of this caliber and quanitity. I evem saw De'Vo is apart of this as well as a few other XCM/Flourishers/Cardistry-ers so this hits both areas I'm most interested in.

If you are serious about magic, or just want to experience seeing the best in the world perform and teach for us (the up-and-coming generation) then check out this website. I certainly am.



ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Hmmm... let's keep up the fun here. I'm thinking of a certain EMC presenter. He once was a doctor, but no longer practices (medicine). An avid fan of the Linking Rings routine, he often mentions the Maxam Rings - an effect in which the three rings are examined before use in the routine.

Which EMC presenter am I thinking of? Be the first to tell me and post correctly in this thread and take home free registration to EMC 2010. All of the information you need is on the EMC website.
Jun 6, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Hmmm... let's keep up the fun here. I'm thinking of a certain EMC presenter. He once was a doctor, but no longer practices (medicine). An avid fan of the Linking Rings routine, he often mentions the Maxam Rings - an effect in which the three rings are examined before use in the routine.

Which EMC presenter am I thinking of? Be the first to tell me and post correctly in this thread and take home free registration to EMC 2010. All of the information you need is on the EMC website.
Gene Matsuura
Jun 27, 2010
Hmmm... let's keep up the fun here. I'm thinking of a certain EMC presenter. He once was a doctor, but no longer practices (medicine). An avid fan of the Linking Rings routine, he often mentions the Maxam Rings - an effect in which the three rings are examined before use in the routine.

Which EMC presenter am I thinking of? Be the first to tell me and post correctly in this thread and take home free registration to EMC 2010. All of the information you need is on the EMC website.

Steve Bedwell


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Gene Matsuura

We have a winner - that was quick! To quote Gene's autobiography on the EMC site:

I am a physician, now retired. I’ve had an interest in three particular areas of magic: the linking rings, Slydini, and Winston Freer. I had the good fortune of getting to know Slydini since the mid-1970’s, and on many occasions over the years we discussed not only the methods of his tricks, but more importantly the underlying construction of his routines, the timing, co-ordination, and the psychological ploys he used. Several years before Slydini’s death we had started to work on a book that would explain these underpinnings to his routines. But there were limitations to how quickly we could proceed because we had to talk face to face, Slydini not being a great letter writer. Furthermore, he couldn’t talk about his magic on the phone because the phone deprived him of the use of his hands, face and body when he talked. So work was limited to when we could see each other in person.

My other particular area of interest in magic is a little known performer named Winston Freer. I’ve been researching and studying Freer over a 35 year period. I first became aware of Freer while looking through old copies of Genii magazine when I came upon an advertisement for a trick called the Maxam Ring Illusion. This was an ad for a 3 ring linking ring routine in which the rings were passed out to the audience at the start, and subsequently used to perform the routine.
We have a winner - that was quick! To quote Gene's autobiography on the EMC site:

I am a physician, now retired. I’ve had an interest in three particular areas of magic: the linking rings, Slydini, and Winston Freer. I had the good fortune of getting to know Slydini since the mid-1970’s, and on many occasions over the years we discussed not only the methods of his tricks, but more importantly the underlying construction of his routines, the timing, co-ordination, and the psychological ploys he used. Several years before Slydini’s death we had started to work on a book that would explain these underpinnings to his routines. But there were limitations to how quickly we could proceed because we had to talk face to face, Slydini not being a great letter writer. Furthermore, he couldn’t talk about his magic on the phone because the phone deprived him of the use of his hands, face and body when he talked. So work was limited to when we could see each other in person.

My other particular area of interest in magic is a little known performer named Winston Freer. I’ve been researching and studying Freer over a 35 year period. I first became aware of Freer while looking through old copies of Genii magazine when I came upon an advertisement for a trick called the Maxam Ring Illusion. This was an ad for a 3 ring linking ring routine in which the rings were passed out to the audience at the start, and subsequently used to perform the routine.

Wow, the guy nailed it the first time. Kudos!


Elite Member
Jul 2, 2008
Akatsuki Hideout
Hmmm... let's keep up the fun here. I'm thinking of a certain EMC presenter. He once was a doctor, but no longer practices (medicine). An avid fan of the Linking Rings routine, he often mentions the Maxam Rings - an effect in which the three rings are examined before use in the routine.

Which EMC presenter am I thinking of? Be the first to tell me and post correctly in this thread and take home free registration to EMC 2010. All of the information you need is on the EMC website.

I believe is Max Maven
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