It's cool that t11 has put out invisible decks in all varieties, but I've been using invisible decks from guardians for years. Guess it's all about convenience?
just made me cry... Am I in paradise???Hey guys!
Appreciate the comments! Please withhold judgment a bit about the design - there are still MANY issues and glitches that are making things look a bit haywire at the moment. We're working as hard as we can on squashing the bugs!
nIvan - the Sentinels are not a limited edition deck and therefore will be produced perpetually. They are INCREDIBLE.
I only have 3 issues that I need you guys to help me with,
1. Where is the 1on1 section?
2. Whenever I click tricks only 4 tricks pop up even though it is set to all tricks.
3. Whenever I searcch for something, nothing comes up except featured tricks on the side.
please help me.
For those of you who don't like the new logo design... I'd have to definitely question your taste. I think the new logo is much much better than the old one. Why do you think the old design "fits better"?
Just an FYI; a "Mark All Forums Read" button would be incredibly handy. I haven't been up to date on the forums in a while, so there are pages and pages of unread threads for me. And the exclamation points are really annoying, IMO, so it would be nice to have a magical button that made them all go away. Please and thank you. Love you lots.
If I had to take a wild shot in the dark with a ping pong paddle and a small box of little red sponge balls that could've at one time or another belonged to kermit the frog, i'd say because not everyone has to like what theory11 did with the site. We've all got different tastes, good or bad by anyone else's standards, and that's alright. I, for one, happen to be alright with it. I love the layout, I just think it's too white. But that just goes to how I like things, personally.
Just a quick Heads up to JB .... is still the old site ....might wanna sort that out
I actually think they should keep that so others can go back to see how the old site looked for "memories" if you wish. I enjoyed looking at the old design again, I mean this one I think is better but the old one I've just remembered seeing for over a year. Definitely keep it please.
I'm really sorry about what I'm going to say, I don't mean to be rude, but.... Really?!! No Sh*t Sherlock, not everyone has to like what theory11 did with the site. That's not what I was asking. It kind of bothers me when people say stuff like "teh nu logo suxxors!" without any explanation as to why they feel that way. It would be more constructive to say what they would have done differently when redesigning the logo. Statements like "the new logo just doesn't fit"..."the new logo is not underground", ect doesn't really explain much. Please tell us why the new logo "doesn't fit" and why the new logo is not "underground". I realize that people have their own tastes, but if you're going to criticize something, at least be constructive about it like Mr. Man was. It just seems to me that people don't like it because it's different than it was. They liked the old site, and don't adjust to change well. I'm sure soon enough they'll love the site as much as they liked the old site.