t11.bulletin - theory11 has a MASSIVE secret

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Dec 20, 2009
To make sure you don't get slapped in the face with a big fine for not having a permit/license to perform, I'd recommend going and getting one. Just search your town's website to find out how or use Google. Once you have that, you're ready to go out to a busy yet legal zone to start performing and earning your hard-earned money.

Some tips on getting money is to dress nicely and act as polite as you can. The more you are polite and kind to your audience they feel more obligated to tip. What I do (I'm still learning) is place a top hat by my feet with a couple of bills thrown in before I start to tell them that I was good enough to get money so they are intrigued. I've done a card change in the hands and received a 20. I have also been given compliments on me being polite and it was a great time because they were comfortable around me.

If you are just a nice guy who is calm and not nervous they feel more obligated to tip. Always say "Thank you very much" after a donation is placed and to smile to show them that you care, which you should be doing anyways for polite manners. I know it's what moms would tell you but it's the truth. Always be the professional in every way you can to maximize your tip donation. :)

I hope these tips are helpful to start you out on your awesome journey to performing in the real world. I've basically claimed a spot down at my market because I go there all the time and people recognize me and say "Hey! You're the kid who ______. It was awesome!!!" and they always have a smile on their face when they recognize me. If they want I will show them another trick if they are intrigued.


Thanks for all the info. The only problem is that my town... It's kinda... small... Not really small actually, it's quite big... But it's... small... This is hard to explain... It's a quiet town. Not many people go about... There's not really a place that will be busy all the time. I was thinking the best place would be in Boston. Which is the major city... So yeah... Also, what do you guys think about busking in a mall?


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Thanks for all the info. The only problem is that my town... It's kinda... small... Not really small actually, it's quite big... But it's... small... This is hard to explain... It's a quiet town. Not many people go about... There's not really a place that will be busy all the time. I was thinking the best place would be in Boston. Which is the major city... So yeah... Also, what do you guys think about busking in a mall?

You better be damn lucky if Mall Cops like magic, cause otherwise near all of them kick you out if you make money in a Mall. I wouldn't recommend it, maybe OUTSIDE of the mall, but not inside. Just know where a lot of people go around you then go there. There will be slow days and fast paced days, you just gotta work with what you are given. It's always unexpected.
Jan 30, 2010
Tusk, North Carolina
Thanks for all the info. The only problem is that my town... It's kinda... small... Not really small actually, it's quite big... But it's... small... This is hard to explain... It's a quiet town. Not many people go about... There's not really a place that will be busy all the time. I was thinking the best place would be in Boston. Which is the major city... So yeah... Also, what do you guys think about busking in a mall?

Yeah mall can be dangerous if your performing for money. But if you just go perform then it can be a really good place to get practice in.
Dec 20, 2009
You better be damn lucky if Mall Cops like magic, cause otherwise near all of them kick you out if you make money in a Mall. I wouldn't recommend it, maybe OUTSIDE of the mall, but not inside. Just know where a lot of people go around you then go there. There will be slow days and fast paced days, you just gotta work with what you are given. It's always unexpected.

Well I was thinking more on the lines of asking the people at the mall if I could perform there... You know?

Btw, is your town more of a city? Or just a regular old town? Could you tell me where you usually go to?
Aug 19, 2009
Random old question: What type of code is the two-digit number/letter combinations that some have been able to decrypt? I've been unable to figure it out.


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
Well I was thinking more on the lines of asking the people at the mall if I could perform there... You know?

Btw, is your town more of a city? Or just a regular old town? Could you tell me where you usually go to?

I just went to Boston recently...And i saw a lot of buskers there all over the place! That would be a good place.


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
I just went to Boston recently...And i saw a lot of buskers there all over the place! That would be a good place.

Going along the lines of this, don't be nervous about other buskers. Be confident that YOU are the best one out there and show them a good time. Remember to stay calm, polite, and be interactive!
Jan 13, 2008
Hmm, I can't wait to see what comes of this. I made it all the way to the very end, but could not find the email address. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted, and I'm sure there have already been plenty of people who found the email anyway.

The countdown continues! =D
May 9, 2008
This sucks. I'm at work and cannot view the source code, so I won't be able to see the clue until I get home at 12am Central Standard Time.

I've been really excited about tonights releases until I realized something. They may not release ANYTHING tonight. It might just be an unveiling of what's to come later this month. I would hope that there would be an actual release tonight, not just unveiling of what will be released later this month.

What do you guys think? I think it said something like "when the timer runs out all will be revealed."


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Thanks for all the info. The only problem is that my town... It's kinda... small... Not really small actually, it's quite big... But it's... small... This is hard to explain... It's a quiet town. Not many people go about... There's not really a place that will be busy all the time. I was thinking the best place would be in Boston. Which is the major city... So yeah... Also, what do you guys think about busking in a mall?

Do not busk in a mall. No reason to. It's legal to busk pretty much everywhere in Boston except ... a place .. the name of which I'm totally blanking on. But it kind of sucks to busk there anyway, because they schedule you and all that jazz. For that place you need a license (given by the people that run it) ... gah it bugs me when I blank on names. Stupid OCD.

Casey had good points. I would add: Learn some hat lines. If you want to be fairly sure about making money, ask for it during your set. Keep your set short and simple. If you've never busked before, 8 minutes may be all the time you can hold a crowd's attention. What I do is create a modular set of routines that can go for up to about 20 minutes. Get a table. I got one at Target for $15 (folding 'activity table') and it easily tripled the amount of crowds I drew.

Plan out your routines with some 'core' tricks. My only 'cores' are the opener and closer. Use your opener to draw a crowd. It should be visual and also modular. Once you get one person to stop, more will stop. Invite them closer, try to catch more people's attention. If the crowd is really digging the show, use some of the 'extra' routines you have prepared. If they're just kind of hanging on, go for your closer. Make sure you tell them you work for tips. There's tons of hat lines out there, you can probably Google for good ones.

As Casey said, always be polite. Always tell them your name. It's great to be recognized as, "the magician" but it's much better to be recognized as "(Your name), the magician!"

Confidence is key, as mentioned. When you're a busker, you have to believe you are the best thing since sliced bread. Don't be a jerk, but project confidence.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
In two hours you will hear the results... stay tuned at 11:00pm EST tonight. As many have asked, I will clarify that this hunt will not go on without end. Everything we have been working on will be known and revealed by the end of this week. Promise.


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
You are correct. We have a few things up our sleeves for this evening, but in terms of the releases - all will be unveiled by the end of THIS week.

Very. Very. Exciting.

Can't wait Jonathan. The theory11 team has put in too much work to go unnoticed, and we respect your team and your products. Probably by Friday at the annual time (11:00 PM EST) we will see. Until then, CERCA TROVA! :p

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