t11.bulletin - theory11 has a MASSIVE secret

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Jan 26, 2008
There's no doubt in my mind that what will be unveiled will be more than worth the wait. The point I was aiming at, is, that tonight was made into an event, where we, as a worldwide community, waited and built our selves up for (evening staying up 'till 4:00am in the morning here in the UK) only to be left with no more information (other than the confirmation that five people have won something) than what we went into tonight with. Maybe it's because I've stayed up all night and I could be snappy or maybe I, and possibly the rest of the community feel, that tonight shouldn't have had a countdown going into it and instead you could've just posted somewhere that "five people have now been notified that they've won"

Sorry for ranting, no disrespect mean, I've been with T11 since day one, guess we're just going through a rough patch lol.


Same here, its 5 in the morning and i sat up and waited for this "event"

Someone said that it will be "unvealed" this saturday. What does that mean? More cryptic riddles? a mysterious video that tells you nothing?

Or will it actually be new magic released then?


Feb 9, 2010
Let me clarify. I don't care who won, I never expected to win, and I honestly don't care that much what they're releasing. I was enjoying the hunt, because I like solving riddles (Even though I kinda suck at it). I won't be buying anything when stuff is released, because I have plenty to work on already.

My disappointment is entirely centered around the fact that I wanted to try my hand at more riddles tonight. If the "We sent out notices" page was after a few riddles, I would have been happy. But it wasn't anything. It was: Wait, refresh, load webpage, done?!

Congrats to those that won and all, but that's not why I was here.

19th phase has come and gone.

And I am now going to bed. See ya later guys! And Casey, if that thing was true, Congrats man.
Jan 30, 2010
Tusk, North Carolina
Honestly? Just shut it. Both sides of this arguement are annoying already. For f*ck's sake, really. No one told you to do this hunt. For those who won - Great job. Free stuff is pro, especially free magic stuff. Jealous of you, but whatever. For those who didn't - Way to take it nicely (no sarcasm). For those who are taking it too hard... boo hoo. Get over it.

Way to put everyone on blast, man
Jun 10, 2010

I'm bored. And to think casey was scared about math...

He saw a line in the code that said this: n = Math.round(n), and he pm'd me on themagicsession's tinychat asking "Is this next round about math?!?!?" I look at the forums 5 minutes later to see him cheering about winning. :p

The sudden changes in expressions were kinda funny. Nice job, Casey. Doubted you for a few minutes there, but congratulations.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I'm sorry if some of you think this is rude or something, but i don't get on these forums much any more and im seeing that some of you are dissappointed by this "secret" so I am not going to read this whole thread to see what this is all about. Would anyone mind summerizing this whole thing for me?

It was a series of riddles that were solved by people. The first five of those people got e-mails saying they are receiving something neato.
Jan 26, 2008
That's a great idea...oh wait they just did that. See you Saturday.

As for the letter, it was a letter saying when the package would be sent and what to do with it once it arrives. Exciting stuff.

No they said that it would be "Unvealed"

that probably means some information about it, i hope that someone can prove me wrong and that it will be released then.
Dec 26, 2009
I have worked 5 double shifts in a row this week. Today is my Friday and I got home from work and Casey told me something spectacular about the contest and I decided to check my email. I have received an Email from JB saying I will receive a package sometime after Wednesday.
May 9, 2008
Wow Epic Event Failure. I know this wasn't the "climax", but still. I've been looking forward to THIS for three days? I spent all day thing about THIS? I thought we were going to get some REAL details tonight. Not until SATURDAY? What was it exactly you had up your sleeves for tonight? You said you had a few things up your sleeves. I'm really not seeing anything. Wow. Epic dissappointment. Congrats to those who received a prize. But wow, I was really expecting more. I'm dumbfounded right now. This was just enough to make me not care about this whole thing anymore. I'm just so upset right now, I don't want to say anything too hasty. I was so looking forward to tonight, just a big let down. Why'd they have to make the release on Saturday, when I'll be busy, and I'm sure many other people will be busy? You need to have these big releases during the week when people don't have anything going on.

Tonight, this whole thing stopped being fun for me. If I offended anyone I'm sorry, this is just how I feel, need to vent. This is pretty awesome for those who won. Pretty disappointing for the rest of us. We know they won a deck of cards. Can we at least see pictures of the cards?
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Mar 12, 2009
Oh come on people, what the hell is the matter with you?!

I feel so bad for the Theory11 crew - they do something exciting and fun that has taken lots of planning and preparation, and then people just start crying and *****ing like a bunch of god damn babies, it's really making me sick..

I would just like to apologize on the behalf of all those fools, because I really don't want you guys at T11 thinking this was a total failure. I really enjoy all this stuff, and I know a lot of other people (all the normal, mature ones) do too!

I am really glad that you T11 dudes take your time preparing fun stuff like this.
That is what makes this website so special - this is no average "magic-producion-company" - you do a fantastic job making stuff exciting and fun all the time!

I am SO excited about the new releases and secrets about to be unveiled!

People, cheer up!
Be patient and positive.
Sit back and relax.

Why'd they have to make the release on Saturday, when I'll be busy, and I'm sure many other people will be busy?

Oh, yeah, sure, they should totally make it some other day because you and "many other people" will be busy that day!
What the hell?!!
How could you ever get yourself to post that stupid nonsense??

First, no one says there will be new stuff available for PURCHASE on Saturday, just that we will know what the new stuff IS.. At least that's what I think.

Second, what on earth makes you think that they would move something they have been planning for months/years, just because you are BUSY?!
Saturday is the best day ever to put out new stuff in my opinion.
May 9, 2008
Oh come on people, what the hell is the matter with you?!

I feel so bad for the Theory11 crew - they do something exciting and fun that has taken lots of planning and preparation, and then people just start crying and *****ing like a bunch of god damn babies, it's really making me sick..

I would just like to apologize on the behalf of all those fools, because I really don't want you guys at T11 thinking this was a total failure. I really enjoy all this stuff, and I know a lot of other people (all the normal, mature ones) do too!

I am really glad that you T11 dudes take your time preparing fun stuff like this.
That is what makes this website so special - this is no average "magic-producion-company" - you do a fantastic job making stuff exciting and fun all the time!

I am SO excited about the new releases and secrets about to be unveiled!

People, cheer up!
Be patient and positive.
Sit back and relax.

Oh, yeah, sure, they should totally make it some other day because you and "many other people" will be busy that day!
What the hell?!!
How could you ever get yourself to post that stupid nonsense??

First, no one says there will be new stuff available for PURCHASE on Saturday, just that we will know what the new stuff IS.. At least that's what I think.

Second, what on earth makes you think that they would move something they have been planning for months/years, just because you are BUSY?!
Saturday is the best day ever to put out new stuff in my opinion.

Yes, you're totally right. Your post made you sound totally "normal and mature". Using phrases like "what the hell is the matter with you" and "a bunch of God damned babies" really gets your point across in a normal and mature manner. You sound like you just blew a gasket.

First off, you took what I said way to seriously. I guess you missed the part where I said I needed to vent my disappointment and frustration?

Secondly, relaxing is pretty much the opposite of being excited. So how can you be excited while being patient and sitting back and relaxing? Usually one is very impatient when they are excited. They usually say things like "I can't wait!" A sign of impatience and excitement.

Why do you think Saturday the best day to put out new stuff? I backed up my opinion with fact. I'm paraphrasing but I basically said "Saturday is not a good day to put out new stuff as people (normal at least) are usually busy on Saturday, and usually not clamouring for new magic releases to come out." You said "TEH SATERDEY IS TEY BES DAI EVAR!" without backing up opinion with fact. Why do you think DVDs and CDs are usually released on Tuesdays, not on Saturdays. Why do you think new movies hit the theaters on Friday and in some cases Wednesday, not Saturday. Because people are busier on the weekend then weekdays. People spend more money when they are bored.

And you're wrong about no one saying there will be new stuff available for purchase. According to one of the winners of the hunt, there WILL be new stuff released.

Originally Posted by Wallmott
"No they said that it would be 'Unvealed'. that probably means some information about it, i hope that someone can prove me wrong and that it will be released then."

Justin.Morris's response to Wallmott
"Judging from the information in the letter, I think I would get your hopes up. "

Also I never said they would move anything just because I'm busy. They didn't have the date set in stone and even with the timer it's still not set in stone. Most people are busy on Saturday. MOST. Just because you're in the small minority of people who never do anything on the weekend, doesn't mean Saturday is the best day to release. Wouldn't it make sense to have the release on a day in which everyone or MOST people can participate?
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