t11.bulletin - theory11 has a MASSIVE secret

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Jun 10, 2010
Okay guys, we all know Theory11 is releasing 5 massive projects this August. Magic is now in the air, and I think they're trying to make a point here. I see a hidden message in this post, but keep reading. Now, when you practice effects, you mostly do them in front of a mirror, correct? Good, and we continue to do this because we want our spectator's reaction to be at its best, which is why we practice. Now if you practice, they won't burn your hands like fire, so another way to solve this is to use a camera to help you with your angles as well. So once you're done with all these steps, you are ready to take the stage and show them what you've got.


Wow. I feel happy and disappointed at the same time :rolleyes:
Jun 10, 2010
thanks for the cheat sheet... got everything now... lol

I know, it was really cool though. Once you got the first few, the hints and where he placed the "hints" made it really easy.

Not that i don't appreciate it, I thought it was perfect.
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