1) What do you think it is that keeps your audience hooked onto your magic like a rabid dog and a juicy piece of meat?
2) What do you think magic actually is?
3) When you create magic (and I don't mean a new effect) and give your spectator a moment of astonishment -I know you love that word- is it the feeling you wanted to give them?
1. What is your favorite experience that ever happened during a show?
2. How did you start magic, was it a friend, a book, a grandpa?
3. What is you're favorite trick that you, or somebody else, created?
3. Everbody says "Practice makes perfect", "Practice, practice, practice" etc. . Approx. how long do you spend practicing such things as magic and flourishing?
how important do you believe comedy plays a roll while engaging with a spectator? Such as comparing an act with comedy, as opposed to a very serious act.
Have you ever tried busking?
Do you perform classics, like the cups and balls and linking rings?
If you could give one piece of advice to someone who wants to become a pro, booking gigs, etc. what would it be?
1. What's the legacy you want to leave the world as a magician? like being remembered for being the creator of a particular trick, or being recognized as the creator of some new move, etc...
2. What's the biggest deception you've had with magic?
3. In terms of magic, what's the only thing you really can't do?