TG Deck Flip


Jul 29, 2008
use an older deck, so it'll stick together more.
about the card that keeps flicking out, it's just practice...
Nov 10, 2008
Upstate NY
their are a couple of things you can do... above all else practice using the correct way of preforming it.

To help keep cards from flying off, either add more pressure upwards to keep the cards together, or bow the pack of cards to eliminate air between the cards. This should help keep them together.
Sep 20, 2008
i am practicing the correct way arent i? ive rewatched the teaching on the trilogy, and Dan did say the handling varies from person to person- but the handling taught there is as close as i can get.

Anyways, i thought that too. my deck seems to fly off my hands when i use an older deck. My wynns tend to stick together, which is why i use them.

And bow as in- bend you mean?
May 9, 2008
Darian said in another thread

There are at least 5 other identical threads asking about this. But, since *****ing won't help, here are some tips

-Press down on the deck before the flip to eliminate any air in between the cards
-Use a crisp deck without crimps
-Try keeping the thumb on the side of the deck when doing the flip rather than the top where it might catch a card while doing the flip
-Practice using more broken in decks, when you get the motions down and a feel for the flip, deck condition doesn't matter as much
-Start out by doing more slow, controlled flips, again, once you get a feel for the move the speed at which you flip it doesn't matter as much
-Practice.... best piece of advice I can give.
Sep 20, 2008
i am aware of the other thread now, Thanks to him.

I don't get it, if answering your question makes him an ass, why would he want to help you again...?

If you ask a person directions in an area that you know nothing about- Would it please you if he answered:

"its over there, you Dumb Mother F****er. "

Rather than

"Its right over there, beside the X and Y- You cant miss it."

Moral: There is a right and wrong way of doing things.
Oct 1, 2008
use an older deck, so it'll stick together more.
about the card that keeps flicking out, it's just practice...

olddecks really dont make a difference, in fact, it might make things worse.

use a deck that has no warped, crimped, etc cards

if the deck has a curve hold it in mechanics grip so the curve forms a "U" shape

then try it
Sep 20, 2008
While this topic is still on going- is it advisable to practice with the box/card clips firsthand? or do i just keep practicing with a deck?


Jun 24, 2008
Harrisonburg, VA
Here are some tips that Dan Buck gave me.

Can you do it perfectly with the cards in the box?
Do you have even pressure distributed on both sides of the deck?
Try to only flip the deck 180 degrees and see if any cards still fly out, if so try the following:
Is your index finger also applying an upward pressure on bottom of the deck? This pressure should match the same pressure you're applying with your thumb and fingers on the sides of the deck.
Make sure ONLY the nail of your index finger contacts the bottom card of the deck when applying this pressure. Dai Vernon talked about "overcoming friction with the nail" and that is precisely what you do here.
Are you opening your hand up 'all at once'. The action should be like this, make a tight fist and extend your fingers out 'all at once'. This is the same action that needs to happen when releasing the pressure from the deck.
Sep 1, 2007
Practice with the cards inside the box first, until it's second nature, until you despise the move, and then you can do it with your eyes shut.
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