The Best You Won On Contest Wheel

Alex Hancock

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
London, UK.
With 50 or so spins so far, my best is 1000 points. But only got that once. Points are lovely of course, but I really was hoping for an actual win.

I was actually kind of hoping for the instant deck collection...
Dec 11, 2013
Im actually really dissapointed about this years wheel. Last year I won multiple times 500 and 250 elite points and this year the best I've won so far is 100 points.

Alix B.(1)

Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
It's not as fun as last year where the spins lasted longer and slowed down at the end you really thought you had a chance. But this year I got way less point: 5 or 6 no rewards, 3/4 50 points and one 100 points.
It's not as fun as last year where the spins lasted longer and slowed down at the end you really thought you had a chance. But this year I got way less point: 5 or 6 no rewards, 3/4 50 points and one 100 points.

Really? The thought you had a chance part isn't in full play for you? Mine practically stopped on the grand prize...then it inched off and landed on No Reward. That's only one of the examples. Though I can't say that I've received much from it either. Still, I've gotten something and that's more than I would have had if it had not been set up by T11, and I do greatly appreciate what I have gotten.


Elite Member
Remember that the outcome is predetermined the second you click the spin button. Maybe some of you haven't read the older threads about the wheelspins, but it has been confirmed that the wheel image has nothing to do with the chance of winning. In short the wheel image is just set up to show the outcome in a cool way. Keep spinning!
Remember that the outcome is predetermined the second you click the spin button. Maybe some of you haven't read the older threads about the wheelspins, but it has been confirmed that the wheel image has nothing to do with the chance of winning. In short the wheel image is just set up to show the outcome in a cool way. Keep spinning!

I read that, but still, when you see it practically stop on something big you think you might get it, because you don't know what the predetermined thing was.
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