well thanks for all ur help i have decided to take up the pass. but which i thought i should ethier take the classic pass or the spread pass what do u think i should choose. can i have some pros and cons and personal opinions thanks.
I think it's difficult to compare them as they're best used in different situations, however, here's a basic overview of the advantages and disadvantages of each pass. (This is just my opinion)
Spread Pass Advantages:
Relatively easy to learn,
It happens in a natural and motivated action,
Pretty much invisible even if your hands are burned
Spread Pass Disadvantages:
You have to spread the cards, this would be difficult to justify in some situations,
Has quite a few bad angles (especially Chad Nelson's handling)
Classic Pass Advantages:
Wide range of applications (See earlier posts)
Appears that absolutely nothing has happened, you just square the deck.
Can be done extremely quickly
Can be done slowly and still be invisible if you choose (with the right cover)
Classic Pass Disadvantages:
Quite a difficult move, it's going to take months to learn it and years to master (however you don't need to master it to use it).
While better than the Spread pass, it does still have some bad angles.
I use both of them frequently. I use the Spread pass as a control and to bring the card to the top face up in an ACR. I use the Classic pass for Sandwich routines, vanishes, transpositions etc.
You need to decide what you want to achieve with it and pick the pass which is most suited to your needs.