The Deal Change

Jul 13, 2014
So, I came up with an idea for a color change, however, lacking the time to really practice it, I thought I'd post it here and see what you guys thought. Please reply with any refinements, adjustments, or general notes or thoughts you can come up with. If you can do it as intended, please post a video. Feel free to do with this what you will, just please give credit, and only use it if you can really do it well.
The idea here is you have a double displaced atop the deck, in a pushed off position, you split the double with the left hand as you slap the cards with the back of your right hand, and rotate the top card around the deck and onto the bottom as you deal off the lower one.
only use it if you can really do it well.

Says the man who posted a half-baked video of a half-baked idea on a public forum for all to see...:rolleyes:

Seriously man, If you can't even be bothered to practice it yourself then what makes you think anyone else would care?

For what it's worth though, you'd get the same 'effect' by doing a double turnover on top of the deck, and the doing a second deal with the face-up card.

Jul 13, 2014
Says the man who posted a half-baked video of a half-baked idea on a public forum for all to see...:rolleyes:

Seriously man, If you can't even be bothered to practice it yourself then what makes you think anyone else would care?

That's precisely my point. I don't have the time to practice it so I posted it here to see if anyone could get something out of it. As public as this is I don't think it's very likely that a layman will come across this. And the second deal point is irrelevant. I'm not asking for a move to do in a routine, I'm presenting an idea I had(which meets different criteria than a second deal) and I'm curious to hear opinions on its practicality, and to see what people can make and get out of it since I don't have the time to do so myself.
That's precisely my point. I don't have the time to practice it so I posted it here to see if anyone could get something out of it. As public as this is I don't think it's very likely that a layman will come across this. And the second deal point is irrelevant. I'm not asking for a move to do in a routine, I'm presenting an idea I had(which meets different criteria than a second deal) and I'm curious to hear opinions on its practicality, and to see what people can make and get out of it since I don't have the time to do so myself.

You keep saying you don't have the time, but what you're really saying is that you don't consider working on this move a worthwhile use of your time. So why should we? Isn't that us doing the work for you?

You then also say that should anyone use it, they should give you credit. For what? An idea which by your own free admission, needs more work on it that you're cared to do? Let's say I worked on this for a couple of weeks and made enough refinements so that it was a practical, workable sleight. Is it really then still your idea? That's kind of like me drawing a picture of a time machine and then expecting credit when someone actually invents one.

My point about the second deal was my opinion on it. I wasn't offering you an alternative. I was saying that there is a better way to achieve the same thing. That's my opinion. Not sure what criteria your move meets that the second deal from a double falls flat on. The only thing i've got is that the second deal leaves the original face-up card on top of the neck-tied deck. This could be cleared up by replacing the just dealt card on the deck, and turning both cards face-down.

Jul 13, 2014
You keep saying you don't have the time, but what you're really saying is that you don't consider working on this move a worthwhile use of your time. So why should we? Isn't that us doing the work for you?

You then also say that should anyone use it, they should give you credit. For what? An idea which by your own free admission, needs more work on it that you're cared to do? Let's say I worked on this for a couple of weeks and made enough refinements so that it was a practical, workable sleight. Is it really then still your idea? That's kind of like me drawing a picture of a time machine and then expecting credit when someone actually invents one.

My point about the second deal was my opinion on it. I wasn't offering you an alternative. I was saying that there is a better way to achieve the same thing. That's my opinion. Not sure what criteria your move meets that the second deal from a double falls flat on. The only thing i've got is that the second deal leaves the original face-up card on top of the neck-tied deck. This could be cleared up by replacing the just dealt card on the deck, and turning both cards face-down.

Jul 13, 2014
You keep saying you don't have the time, but what you're really saying is that you don't consider working on this move a worthwhile use of your time. So why should we? Isn't that us doing the work for you?

You then also say that should anyone use it, they should give you credit. For what? An idea which by your own free admission, needs more work on it that you're cared to do? Let's say I worked on this for a couple of weeks and made enough refinements so that it was a practical, workable sleight. Is it really then still your idea? That's kind of like me drawing a picture of a time machine and then expecting credit when someone actually invents one.

My point about the second deal was my opinion on it. I wasn't offering you an alternative. I was saying that there is a better way to achieve the same thing. That's my opinion. Not sure what criteria your move meets that the second deal from a double falls flat on. The only thing i've got is that the second deal leaves the original face-up card on top of the neck-tied deck. This could be cleared up by replacing the just dealt card on the deck, and turning both cards face-down.

That is correct. Magic is not a priority for me right now. I don't see how that invalidates my request. If I had the time to do it, I'd do it myself. I can't so, I'm asking for help. And yes I want credit for what I did, which was create the basic idea. I may not be the one to refine it, however I did create the concept(as far as I know) and would like that acknowledged if someone makes this work and teaches it in the future. And the move, and actions surrounding it differ from a second deal in ways that I find preferable. I do not want to necktie the deck except, perhaps, briefly during the change.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Several problems:

1. Releasing the side of the deck with the fingers in unnatural.
2. Sliding off the double and spliting it is too difficult, it is easier to hand the double when it is aligned with the deck
3. Your right hand is changing direction in what it is doing -- around the deck and then forward
4. To accomplish both moves deceptively requires too much speed of handling which would look suspicious even if perfectly executed.

It would be easier to palm the top card while dealing the second card in a single motion that mimicks a deal.

My test is always whether the sleight is better than existing methods. Vanni Bossi has the Golden Change which is a face up color change done while dealing. It is better because you pick the card off the top of the deck and it changes as you are dealing it with a toss across the table. The visual is that the card changes as it is dealt. Unfortunately, your method isn't an improvement off of Vanni's method.
Jul 13, 2014
Several problems:

1. Releasing the side of the deck with the fingers in unnatural.
2. Sliding off the double and spliting it is too difficult, it is easier to hand the double when it is aligned with the deck
3. Your right hand is changing direction in what it is doing -- around the deck and then forward
4. To accomplish both moves deceptively requires too much speed of handling which would look suspicious even if perfectly executed.

It would be easier to palm the top card while dealing the second card in a single motion that mimicks a deal.

My test is always whether the sleight is better than existing methods. Vanni Bossi has the Golden Change which is a face up color change done while dealing. It is better because you pick the card off the top of the deck and it changes as you are dealing it with a toss across the table. The visual is that the card changes as it is dealt. Unfortunately, your method isn't an improvement off of Vanni's method.
Interesting. Thank you for the input. I managed to get one that I thought looked pretty good, however it easily could've been an attention glitch. In any case, I wasn't able to repeat it.
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