The Devils Picture Book

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Aug 3, 2009
Ok, so normally I try to refrain from posting in such situations but I feel I need to interject here. Before I start this though I do feel I should preempt this by saying that I do not in any way agree with what the berated member was suggesting. So with that out of the way . . .

Argument 1
According to your post, there is nothing wrong with a shoplifter stealing because he has done it before. There is nothing wrong with cheating because someone, somewhere, has done it before.

At no point in any post does he make the assertion that the act of piracy is justified or right. In fact the primary portion of the quote in question is a question, which isn't debatable because it isn't a statement.

Argument 2
Also, according to your logic: I have assaulted someone. Therefore, I should not criticise you for doing the same.

False - assaulting someone is wrong, whether or not it has been done before. The fact that I may have assaulted someone in the past does not make my criticism any less legitimate.

I'll make it simpler for you. How about: I have made a mistake before. Therefore, I should not criticise you for the same mistake.

All false, of course. Your logic is like swiss cheese.

He does not in his statement detract from the legitimacy of a previous offender's criticism. He only implies that such would make you a hypocrite. This opens up a whole new can of worms that is beyond the scope of this argument. Regardless your reasoning missed the target again.

You awarded your self 3 points though there are only two arguments, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that one of the points came from a previous post. Now I think that the score should be adjusted to the following.

You: 0
Him: -3

P.S. This is all in good fun. No offense to you praetoritevong I just like to argue and saw a good opportunity to change the subject.


Feb 9, 2010
But, does this mean that I lost my half point?

Sorry, just felt the need to do that.
Jul 1, 2009
you must be an idiot to pay for something that you can get for free....might as well go pay for the oxygen you breathe everyday lol.....losers

And you must be a dumbass for illegaly downloading things. Go crawl in a hole or something. I just hate people like you man. ( Sorry for the bashing T11 )
Sep 20, 2008
Im sure somehow, somewhere you've downloaded something illegal at least once in your life. its kind of hard not to, the temptation is too great. Free things at the palm of your hands, Why resist?

Course, that isnt to say that i support piracy. No. Im just curious as to why this guy is so vigilant. Just trying to get a point across.

Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Ok, so normally I try to refrain from posting in such situations but I feel I need to interject here. Before I start this though I do feel I should preempt this by saying that I do not in any way agree with what the berated member was suggesting. So with that out of the way . . .

Argument 1

At no point in any post does he make the assertion that the act of piracy is justified or right. In fact the primary portion of the quote in question is a question, which isn't debatable because it isn't a statement.

Argument 2

He does not in his statement detract from the legitimacy of a previous offender's criticism. He only implies that such would make you a hypocrite. This opens up a whole new can of worms that is beyond the scope of this argument. Regardless your reasoning missed the target again.

You awarded your self 3 points though there are only two arguments, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that one of the points came from a previous post. Now I think that the score should be adjusted to the following.

You: 0
Him: -3

P.S. This is all in good fun. No offense to you praetoritevong I just like to argue and saw a good opportunity to change the subject.

No offense taken at all! I am more than happy to laugh at myself if I am wrong - and I accept your points. Oh, and the three points came from the previous two posts as well as this one. Haha. I like your points allocation though, not that it means anything...
Sep 9, 2007
i never upload anything....i just download it if it's available....but i'm never the one to post it up for others to feed off it too
Sep 9, 2007
you are so bored're like the nerd in every class or something aren't you?....Urkle has nothing on you
Aug 3, 2009
i never upload anything....i just download it if it's available....but i'm never the one to post it up for others to feed off it too

Hey if you wanna be a functioning member of this forum I highly suggest that you let this thread go man. Whether or not other people are posting in it I would just let it go. You have already made some enemies and you are making more with every post.

Edit: Oh yeah and never bring up the downloading thing again or join in any discussion pertaining to it.
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Feb 9, 2010
Hey if you wanna be a functioning member of this forum I highly suggest that you let this thread go man. Whether or not other people are posting in it I would just let it go. You have already made some enemies and you are making more with every post.

Edit: Oh yeah and never bring up the downloading thing again or join in any discussion pertaining to it.


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