"The Gift" - Q and A (Matt Sconce's new effect)

Nov 5, 2007
The Gift is Officially RELEASED! Download, DVD and Full Package options available. Links to gimmicks needed come with DVD and Download. Go to www.aftershockmagic.com to order it!

Pre-orders are closed. All pre-ordered DVDs ship out tomorrow and all downloads have been sent.

Best wishes! -Matt Sconce
Nov 5, 2007
Now that The Gift is released, here is another review posted on the review section of another site. Check it out! Thanks James!
On 2010-12-13 19:01, Xiqual wrote:
I also got "The Gift" and feel it is an absolute worker. Matt teaches how to gimmick many different items, and how to set up your "Gift" so you can work all day or night.

I actually had all the items in my house already. I'll bet a lot of you do to.

This is really spooky stuff.
When that knife spins really fast on the ball [I use an acrylic juggling ball] it looks really amazing.

It seems Matt can always find new life in subjects that seemed spent. The Gift breathes new life into an effect we have all played with, but abandoned for one reason or another. Short sleeves!!!!!!! Way to go Matt.

On 2010-12-13 23:36, Xiqual wrote:
This is a totally portable system. There is no external attachments. You could show up at a friends house, borrow a knife or a fire poker and do this effect on their table!!

Just fantastic!!
If you combined powerwordfall and the Gift, you would destroy people.

Any other questions? -Matt
Nov 5, 2007
I am so excited many of you are getting your hands on this effect. Please feel free to post reviews and share what you are doing with The Gift. I love hearing stories from the trenches and there should be some great Christmas parties to use this at. Make sure you do not blow minds too heavily they cannot recover. Remember... With great power comes great responsibility. :) Matt Sconce
Nov 5, 2007
On 2010-12-16 04:05, steveline wrote:
I'm having lots of fun with this.
And getting great reactions.

Thanks again Matt.

I am happy you are enjoying "The Gift"! I also get huge reactions because it looks like real magic. That is one of the reasons it is going to be used in my feature film "Magic". www.magic-the-movie.com The little girl playing the lead can use "The Gift" to perform anytime anywhere which is great for promotional parties and press events as it seems like spontaneous demonstrations of real power. Best wishes, Matt Sconce
Nov 5, 2007
Just received another review of "The Gift" I thought would help answer some questions about the dependable nature of the effect and such.
Enjoy, Matt Sconce www.aftershockmagic.com

On 2010-12-19 00:48, oombob wrote:
As a big fan of "Spin" I had to check out "The Gift". This takes "Spin" to the next level and makes it foolproof. As in "Spin", the principals at work here are not necessarily new, but as Xiqual mentions, new life has been breathed into the approach. Fantastic stuff. If you want to do some clean and convincing PK this is the best system I've come across. Take your time... build up some drama... and you'll blow people away with this. Love it.
Nov 5, 2007
Ordered mine the other day. I'm excited to receive it.

Awesome! Let me know what you think once it arrives. Here is a brief review I just read about "The Gift".

On 2010-12-19 19:26, 1908 wrote:
One word only:a worker! Combine this with "Fall" and you have a miracle...NO light problems......short sleeves,no electronics .... I got the full package,actually I already have all the items I needed but again its nice to have everything combined and ready to work...
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