The Success Story Of The Mengel Brothers


Elite Member
Jun 22, 2012
Yea, it is cool. I just want to say that I am from Latvia :) , Estonia are up to Latvia, you probably know that. Anyway good to know that in Estonia are some magicians too. ;)
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Sep 7, 2011
Yea, it is cool. I just want to say that I am from Latvia :) , Estonia are up to Latvia, you probably know that. Anyway good to know that in Estonia are some magicians too. ;)

Yeah, we know where Latvia is :D ...and it is nice to know there are some magicians south of us. Maybe we will visit the streets of Riga to perform to people, who knows. I'll be giving you a call if we do, but right now we are in a tight schedule with our magical project.

Be awesome with your magic!

Sep 7, 2011
Time flies quickly... we haven't done an update for quite a while as we've been busy reaching our goal, which has taken more time and effort than we ever expected.

We are also making this post, because we need your help. We would appreciate if you can check the video below and give us some feedback.

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Sep 7, 2011
Wow, what an overwhelming response from you guys, hold your horses for a minute, we don't know what to do with all this support and feedback that is pouring in... :)

Ok, but seriously, we still would appreciate if somebody could find some time to help us and point us in the right direction. We pretty much have all the material filmed for the DVDs, but we would like to make sure we give proper credit before we release our material. So can you please recommend someone we could contact who is informed enough in this matter and can review our material.

Any advice we should keep in mind before we contact retailers is also very welcome.

Thanks guys!

Sep 7, 2011
You could always contact Theory 11 or Ellusionist directly

Thanks for the suggestion, but we would like to do as much work as possible ourselves before we contact retailers. So when we contact them to offer our products we would have everything ready for them.

If someone still knows who we could contact please let us know.


Sep 7, 2011

Hey guys we just got the logo from our designer. The DVDs' covers are also in the making and ready by the end of this month. Things are finally coming together. Feels EPIC...


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Sep 7, 2011
I know you guys asked to see our magic from the minute we started this thread. The thing is, we have just wanted to make sure our effects and the videos are the best they can be before we show anything. Maybe our approach is too perfectionistic, but that's just how we do things... But now we are finally ready to show some of our material...

We are working on a video that sums up our journey we have had for the last couple of years. It shows the process of making our DVDs from the start and also gives a sneak peek at our effects and DVDs. We will make the video available soon.

Our website is almost ready also. We will let you know once it's up.

Sep 7, 2011
What you guys are doing here is both inspiring and impressive. Keep it up.

Thank you Tyler for your thoughts and support! It's quite heart-warming to read such a feedback!

Don't lose this determination.

We won't! Determination is something we have had from the beginning and probably it has played the most important role in our journey. I think if you have that then everything else comes more easily.

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Sep 7, 2011
Our website is up!

We finally got our website up. We have put a lot of effort into this. We would appreciate if you guys could check it out and give us feedback and maybe suggestions what could be improved. Thanks!


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Sep 7, 2011
I actually like this logo a lot... looks pretty classy!!

We are glad to hear that, thank you for taking time to letting us know! We like it too. But it has it's minuses also that we didn't thought of before... For example, if someone sees the logo knowing nothing about us (for ex that I have long hair) and fails to see a hint: "brothers", then my silhouette might as well be an old lady in her 60s :D But I guess that's a rare case...

Did you get time to explore our website also? We could need some feedback... We tried to keep it very simple and make navigating on the site as smooth as possible...

Please let us know, what was your experience!

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Sep 7, 2011

Ok, here's a short re-cap of our journey.

In the beginning of this thread we shared our plan to produce our own DVDs. Our goal was that they will be distributed by major players in the industry and our creations reach magicians throughout the world.

2 years later...

This is what we have done so far and how close we are achieving our vision we set for ourselves:

1. Find funding for equipment. DONE
2. Create a company. DONE
3. Film performance videos. DONE
4. Film the explanation. DONE
5. Create menus/logo/cover art. DONE
6. Create a website. DONE
7. Contact retailers (get "yes") ...
8. Create trailers ...
9. Manufacture DVDs ...
10. Launch the DVDs ...

We titled the thread with a humour "The Success Story of Mengel Brothers", but now we will soon find out, will the name be actually justified...

Thank you everybody who have supported us... even if only in your mind... :)
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Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
We are glad to hear that, thank you for taking time to letting us know! We like it too. But it has it's minuses also that we didn't thought of before... For example, if someone sees the logo knowing nothing about us (for ex that I have long hair) and fails to see a hint: "brothers", then my silhouette might as well be an old lady in her 60s :D But I guess that's a rare case...

Did you get time to explore our website also? We could need some feedback... We tried to keep it very simple and make navigating on the site as smooth as possible...

Please let us know, what was your experience!


Classy be honest the products you announce are creating some hype...I hope you deliver!!...

also...most magicians don´t have a sense of design...that why there´s lot of magicians with their crappy bussiness card shaped as cards, horrible sites and crappy photos of them holding a fan of cards in the bathroom... you on the othe hand do have some sens of design... congrats!!
Sep 7, 2011
The site looks great guys, very professional and to the point. I watched the whole of the video on the front page, it was fun!

Looking forward to seeing more from you guys in the future!

Just to be clear- our stuff may have a professional look, but we are still rather hobbyists... but I guess we do things with a professional dedication, which can create a corresponding impression... But we are glad to get such a feedback, especially when it comes from an actual professional :)
So thank you for that!

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Sep 7, 2011
Classy be honest the products you announce are creating some hype...I hope you deliver!!!

It's nice to see that people are excited about our story and curious about our DVDs, but don't get your hopes too high. Of course we have given our best to make these DVDs, but like I said to Dee- we still consider ourselves amateurs... just with a professional dedication :)

Of course we ourselves think our effects are very good and we dream to MAKE IT BIG, but we don't know that until we actually show our effects to retailers. If they say "yes" then it already says something about the effects, but what concerns "will we deliver" then I think it's a matter of just being clear what our DVDs are and what they are not, so that people wouldn't buy into the hype and it would be clear for who these DVDs are for.

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Sep 7, 2011
Video Diary 2010-2012

So far we have only talked about what we are doing, but we haven't shown anything really... But as we promised we put together a video that that sums up the first 2 years of our journey. So take a look if you haven't seen it on our website already...

This is what you will see:

2 years in 8 min
Sneak peek at the DVDs and our effects
Street performances
Behind the scenes footage


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Sep 7, 2011
Contacting Retailers

Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know we have started to contact retailers to present what we have to offer. Feels very exciting...

We hope we have some good news to share soon! :)

Johannes & Joonas
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