The ZLog - My Web Series

Aug 31, 2007
Hello all!

Over the past few months I grew to realize that I hardly EVER make video on youtube anymore. Sometimes i'll post a contest video, or a video of me and and my friends goofing off, but not as much as I used to.

So this summer I decided to set a goal for myself. That goal is broken up into 4 parts:

1) Start a VLog about myself, magic, and other stuff going on in my life. Once a week, every Friday. I call it The ZLog

2) In addition to the VLog, make a free weekly tutorial, which I call the ZTorial. Either teaching a flourish or a magic creation of mine. First one will be out NEXT Friday.

3) Create and post FIVE brand new short films by Sept 1st.

4) Gain 2,000 subscribers by September 1st.

It's always good to set goals for yourself, and these are mine. Please, help me out by sharing your thoughts, giving me any tips and/or advice, and by spreading the word.

My first ZLog is out today:

Can't wait to hear your thoughts.




forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
I understand the Zlog and the free tutorials but not sure about your ambitions with the short films and 2,000 subscribers.

What is the purpose for the short films? Just funny clips of you and your buds or something more serious? Magic related?

I guess I am not a huge fan of youtube and don't really understand about why everyone is in dying need of subscribers like it is the last cup of water in a desert.

Do you have more details regarding goals 3 and 4 ? is always great to have goals and time frames in which to accomplish them.
Aug 31, 2007
I understand the Zlog and the free tutorials but not sure about your ambitions with the short films and 2,000 subscribers.

What is the purpose for the short films? Just funny clips of you and your buds or something more serious? Magic related?

I guess I am not a huge fan of youtube and don't really understand about why everyone is in dying need of subscribers like it is the last cup of water in a desert.

Do you have more details regarding goals 3 and 4 ? is always great to have goals and time frames in which to accomplish them.

Well, to be honest, I feel like I have a lot of equipment that I do not ever use. For the short films, i want to create films with an actual point - as opposed to a hang out video. Not always magic related. First one will be a documentary of my friend Omar, which I'll be shooting tomorrow. Kind of a day in the life of a magician.

As for subscribers, that's more of my end goal I want to reach. I feel like if I hit that mark I have accomplished it. Also, I'd like have a following eventually, so that I'm not putting out videos no one will see.



forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH

Thanks for the clarification. Good idea since you said you have a lot of equipment...most of that stuff is expensive so you might as well put it to use.

Good luck with everything. Hope all is well with you!
Aug 31, 2007

Thanks for the clarification. Good idea since you said you have a lot of equipment...most of that stuff is expensive so you might as well put it to use.

Good luck with everything. Hope all is well with you!

Yeah, money well spent, however JB tells me I should invest in in stocks :p

Aug 31, 2007
Thanks guys. I shot some cool stuff on Saturday with Ramo D., that should be finished by NEXT Friday. This Friday is the regular ZLog, and the very first ZTorial. Should be fun!



ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
I have great respect for anyone that sets a goal for themselves and sticks to it. I heard about a quote from Jerry Seinfeld when he was asked how he has accomplished so much in so little time. He said that his process was to write something everyday (he writes his own jokes), and to mark an X on the calendar after he did it. After a while, he had a long, long chain of X's on the calendar. His goal thereafter was simple: "don't break the chain."

Those are words to live by. If you have a goal, set a mission and write it down. Be realistic, be practical, and be ambitious. Whether that is in magic or in life, you'd be surprised at what you can accomplish when you set your mind to it. Kudos to Zach - make it happen, sister.
Aug 31, 2007
Thanks for the inspiring words JB.

The ZLog will be up later tonight, had a very busy week but am filming with Stern today. Lets see how this plays out....

Aug 31, 2007
Hello all!

Sorry for the delay of the ZLog yesterday, I filmed all today with RamoD92, both in Hollywood and in my Studio. LOTS of footage to edit - hopefully the ZLog will be up tomorrow!


Sep 1, 2007
a mod triple posting...nice

sorry but "crossroads" isn't original at work and editing was nice though
Aug 31, 2007
This is lame. The "whipped cream" video wasn't funny, and the flourish was completely stolen from Oliver. It's Red Cross.

I think he only gets away with it because he's a mod.


Sorry for any confusion, but before other users informing us about said video, we were under the impression it was original. We have addressed this in the comments on youtube and the media section. Both flourishes were created independently, without prior knowledge to similar moves. "Stolen" seems to be a bit of an exaggeration.

I apologize for the delay, but I personally cannot see how a 7 minute long, HD tutorial - for free no less - is a let down. But, to each his own.

We filmed a solid 8 hours of footage on Saturday, totaling over 100gbs. The majority of said footage is for a project in the works with Omar, sort of a day in the life of a magician documentary. That is the main reason for the delay, and that should (fingers crossed) be up on Friday with both the next ZLog, and the next ZTorial. Though the teaser/promo for the ZLog was only part of that footage, I still think it was pretty bomb :)

Again, thanks for the feedback, and i'll keep you all updated!


Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
Sorry for any confusion, but before other users informing us about said video, we were under the impression it was original. We have addressed this in the comments on youtube and the media section. Both flourishes were created independently, without prior knowledge to similar moves. "Stolen" seems to be a bit of an exaggeration.

I apologize for the delay, but I personally cannot see how a 7 minute long, HD tutorial - for free no less - is a let down. But, to each his own.

We filmed a solid 8 hours of footage on Saturday, totaling over 100gbs. The majority of said footage is for a project in the works with Omar, sort of a day in the life of a magician documentary. That is the main reason for the delay, and that should (fingers crossed) be up on Friday with both the next ZLog, and the next ZTorial. Though the teaser/promo for the ZLog was only part of that footage, I still think it was pretty bomb :)

Again, thanks for the feedback, and i'll keep you all updated!



Doesn´t matter if you recorded 8 hours or a zillion gigas....the final product is what William said in a post...the audience doesn´t care...

also I am dissapointed about the " whipped cream" I know you like to say to each it´s own, but in this case you said the video will be great at that´s why you were taking more time to do it...not everybody shares your sense of humor...

I do have a recommendation...

as you maybe could see, I started a series of journals about my magician´s life...I must confess to you that I wanted to do a Vlog, but to be honest I decided to not do it, because I wanted to be consistent about my intentions...with this I mean that making a video each week is very hard and I really don´t have time to do it, so I decided to write it...which I think is more plausible in the way that is more easy, but my message is clear...

don´t push yourself too hard..I know you have all that equipment and that expensive stuff...but if you push yourself very hard, that 1´000 dollars camera won´t matter...since you will be rushing and delivering videos like the "whipped cream" one just to accomplish the deadline...they look good and the edition is great...but that doesn´t matter if the message is not clear or just is to weird to appreciate...


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
NE Ohio.
Zach, sorry for the confusion. I don't know if you have taken that video down, but I think it would be the proper thing, as to not seem bad in the eyes of the community.

Also, I don't like "ZLog" and "ZTorial", but that's personal preference. Your filming style is very nice though, I dig that!

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