theory11 Holiday Contest - 2022!


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2017
This has been my best year...1300 elite points with a 500 point win and a James Bond deck. To be fair I did purchase 2 variety packs and had 26 extra spins. I hope all of you that didn't get what you wanted will be back next year. I don't know how the Wheel works but I am sure it must be along the lines of something like..when I spun the 26 extra spins I recieved 950 elite points so I believe this is how points are allocated through an algorithm...spaced out a touch..with spinning 1 free spin at a time...I recieved over the 20 days about 350 points which seems to match others...I guess the object is clear...purchase extra card desks, get extra spins and a better chance of the better prizes... for me I will be back again...we all have the Saturday night contests...keep safe all..take care and good health...Peter in Oz
Jul 6, 2020
Hey everyone,
Last Thursday the wheel stopped at "GRAND PRIZE Signed BoxOne Board Game" 🙌.
But until now, no mail. Am i the only one with this issue?

Kind regards and happy new year!
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